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Dahyun didn't like her classes. She hated every second of them. As soon as she was free, she would go straight to her locker, swapping out her books and hoping not to run into trouble. But of course it would find her.

She had walked into the restroom, the one that was usually not so crowded during small breaks. The one no one wanted to walk to. She liked it. A little quieter. Until her bullies found her and jumped her there. It was prime location for them, and Dahyun hated it. It was like they knew her entire schedule and it was awful.

What made matters worse, was when teachers would find, asking her who had jumped her. She would say she didn't know, and then the worst question.

"What did they look like? Did you look at their face?"

The dreaded question. She never knew, but their voices were always the same. So she knew it was the same people every single time. It didn't help that it was an enforced uniform school, so everyone dressed the same. Nothing ever standing out to her except their voices and the fact that she was getting beat in between periods.

She sat at the lunch table, silently eating her lunch with her new bandages and a half melted ice pack next to her. Chaeyoung was fuming at the fact that her best friend had been jumped again, and hated whoever was behind it. It got even worse when Mina showed up.

"Why are you limping?" Nayeon frowned at her. Sana shook her head, advising her to drop the entire thing. Dahyun glanced up, seeing Mina in the same state as her.

Almost like Tzuyu, she had a system for Mina since she didn't talk and there were no vocal cues for her to remember. However, Mina always wore a penguin pin on her shirt or blazer depending on the day. Since she did that, Dahyun always knew it was her Mina.

She saw the cut on her cheek that was now swelling and apparently she was limping. It hurt her to see her in such a state, and tried to keep her own head down. Of course Sana had seen, causing her to gawk at the sight.

"This is ridiculous. Does this school not care that their students are getting beat up?!" Sana shouted.

"I agree... My old school never tolerated this... As soon as it happened you were kicked out." Nayeon frowned.

"Yeah, the zero tolerance rule is bullshit honestly." Momo muttered. "I have been suspended so many times for getting back at the people who tortured Tzuyu." She admitted. "But never seen a punishment for anyone who had been the reason I was pushed to that."

"Not everything is solved with violence.." Chaeyoung muttered, leg bouncing. "But it sure does make it feel better." She glared.

Dahyun had stayed home from school the next day, deciding to text Mina. To her surprise, Mina was kept home as well, the two of them both having protective parents and fighting the school once again. The two had gotten close, both texting about nonsense and video games since they were out.

Dahyun: You play Smash too?!

Mina: Of course! Do you play Animal Crossing? If you do, please let me visit your island! I'm like one person away from that stamp

Dahyun: I don't, is it good? I see all the hype for it and I don't understand.

Mina: You like being calm and stuff right?

Dahyun: Yeah.

Mina: And animals?

Dahyun: Of course.

Mina: Get the game.

Dahyun sighed as she grabbed her switch and downloaded the game. She didn't quite understand, but she did like the cute little creatures on the screen. It took an hour for it to download, when it finally finished she was happy. A little excited even.

It didn't take her too long to create her little character, what took the longest was naming her island. She groaned at the thought of it, so she just named it something simple. She sent a quick text to Mina, explaining that she had gotten the game and didn't know what to do. After a few minutes, Mina had sent a detailed explanation on how to go through the first day and time travel. So Dahyun did that just so she could unlock her airport.

Within thirty minutes, Mina and her were together on the island, both of them having a good time. Dahyun was happy that she and Mina could bond over things, and was happy that she had a really good friend now. Everything just seemed to be perfect for her.

"Dahyun, it's dinner time!" Her mom called out.

"Okay coming!" Dahyun yelled back. She sent a quick text to Mina saying she had to go, and that she would open her island to her tomorrow if she wanted. Mina of course was excited about the whole thing, happy that she had a friend to visit everyday in the game instead of running around her own island and redesigning it for the fifth time.

Dahyun: I really like playing with you! It's fun!

Mina: Me too! Maybe tomorrow you can come to my island!

Dahyun: That would be cool! Maybe I can see what a good player's island is supposed to look like!

Mina: Then you shouldn't visit my island.

Dahyun let out a small laugh, guessing that Mina probably had the best island in the world. She really did like Mina. She hoped that they could get closer, and maybe hang out outside of school, but she couldn't do that... Not until she started learning how to communicate better.

After dinner Dahyun decided to take it upon her self to start learning sign language. She knew Mina was deaf and this was going to be the only way she could talk to her without texting. She just hoped that she wouldn't say the wrong thing to her. All she wanted was to just talk to her and get to know her and maybe even hold her hand.

She blushed at her own thoughts, slightly embarrassed at the fact that she wanted to just hold her hand and she would be happy... But it was what she had wanted.

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