Three- Rags to Riches

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The house was surprisingly quiet.


I worked quickly, trying my best to make a sandwich in record timing. Though I was completely unaware of the Guinness World Record for pbj making, I was pretty sure then I beat it. I hummed a soft tune as I spun to open the cabinet and snagged the bag of crab chips, quickly throwing the bag into my jean beach bag along with the sandwich and a few sodas. Yeah, yeah, healthy eating and all that was not my thing. Never will be. Footsteps thundered up the stairs that connected the surf shop to our house and I frowned, not knowing of anyone who would be home. I ignored it, as it was a normal occurrence for random teenagers to show at my place of residence. I rapidly folded my beach towel and stuffed it in my bag as someone rounded the corner. Well, actually two someones.

"Hey, where's your sister, beach bum?"

Meet Jason Prescott and Sadie Turner. My school's two biggest jerks and some of the scariest people of all time. Jason was a two-timing jerk who was often was seen sucking the faces off any girl who he could get his hands on. Enjoyed dabbling in drugs and other exciting things such as that. In 9th grade, Jason had decided to host the Sharktooth Crest's largest and wildest beach party the town had seen in (and I quote) "centuries and decades, dudes." Beer and other illegal substances had been present and some kid, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Jason himself, had brought a stray dog which was found dead the next morning. The cops were called and everyone was ratted out. I was thankful I didn't go, but I heard every excruciating detail about the night from everyone else the next day. I will never repeat some of the things I heard that day. Jason also dabbled in hair dye. This week, apparently, it was red with black tips. It was a miracle he still had hair to dye. Maybe when he's old and wrinkly he'll still have hair unlike most old men. If it could live though all the horrible dye jobs he's given it then then it could survive wrinkles.

Attached to his hip was Sadie Turner. Sadie is a barbie doll. As pretty as one and just as hollow. She and Jason have been dating since 8th grade and she knows of his two-timing, but chooses to not say anything to anyone about it. Rumors are that she encourages it. Unlike her boyfriend, her natural blonde hair had never been tainted by hair dye and it passed her hips. She had cried for weeks about the dog incident. She has the worst grades in the whole school, yet still she really knows how to manipulate people. Could probably win a talent show or something.

"I haven't seen Dani today." I grumbled, not looking up at the two as Sadie swirled a piece of her long blonde hair around a finger. Jason scoffed, disbelief setting in his features.

Oh, and the best thing about these two? For some reason my daft twin sister had chosen them as her best friends.

"You're like, her twin." Sadie drawled and I winced, prepared for what was to come. "Aren't twins psychically linked?"

"Thankfully not." I droned, hoisting my bag up on my shoulder. I gave the two a cold smile and took a deep breath in. "She's not here. So, may I suggest you look elsewhere?"

Jason smiled wickedly and my blood ran cold as he leaned close to me, his lips close to my ear. "Watch yourself, little miss. There is a lot about us you don't know." He pulled away and raised his eyebrows at me in a challenge.

I seethed, anger turning my face red. I stopped short of opening my mouth to say something as a voice called up the stairs, my dad's. "Hey, cupcake, there's someone here for you!" He hollered and I replied with a quick "coming!" before rushing past the trouble two. Jason shoved me and I fell into the wall with a thud.

"Good chatting!" Sadie called with a little wave as I slid downstairs.

My dad stood at the bottom of the stairs, a unknowing smile on his lips. His eyes were soft and kind and I pressed a kiss to his cheek in goodbye. "See you later, dad! I'm going to the beach." I called as I pushed open the door to the shop.

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