Four- When the Clock Strikes Midnight

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"We're closed." I grumbled as I worked the broom over the hardwood floors. A pile of sand sat in the corner and Salem pawed at the broom's bristles as I went. "Salem, stop." I grumbled and nudged him away with my foot. In an instant, he scurried back over and continued as if I hadn't just pushed him away. I glared at the little black cat as two boys walked in the shop. I sighed, willing my patience to cooperate with me.

"Oh, hey guys." I gave an apologetic smile to Kai and Jay, the latter racing over to the corner to rub and love Mavis. I still was amazed that that cranky old cat let Jay, who had to be the most annoying person in the world, rub him.

Kai's gaze followed mine and he shrugged. "He was having withdrawals." I winced, knowing that couldn't be good. From the little glimpse I had gotten into the ninja's life, Jay was the baby and had to be treated as such. I guess today Kai was the babysitter. I gave a gentle smile and returned to sweeping the tiny beach that had accumulated on the floor.

Living at the beach was wonderful beyond words. You were constantly tan, always were fit, met amazing people, and had amazing food. The only downside to living next to the ocean was the sand. It was everywhere. In your sheets, stuck in your hair, in your food, and always, always on the floor. Honestly, it was really a miracle that the beach even had sand left. I had most of it here piled up in the shop. I guess it was something you learned to get used to. It was a small sacrifice to be made in trade for the wonderful views and smell of the sea.

Kai made himself at home, hopping up to sit on the counter, his legs swinging wildly and heels kicking up against the counter side. His actions made a repeated thump thump every few seconds, which made me bite my lip so I wouldn't yell to get him to stop. With my hip, I pushed the back door open and swept the mini beach out into the back alleyway. I slammed the door closed and turned to Kai with raised brows.

"What makes you think you can just barge into our shop whenever, huh?" I asked, hand on my hip.

Kai shrugged, heels still thumping against the counter. My eye twitched. "You know Zane and Zane knows us. You trust Zane and Zane trusts us. Therefore..."

"That doesn't give you permission to just show up."

He shrugged again, as if he wasn't bothered. I sighed.

"Well then, if you're here, I'm going to put you to work while Jay gets his Mavis fix."

I dragged him off the counter and over to a pile of boxes back in our store room. He fumbled behind me, as if he wasn't a ninja who could do like a million different martial arts moves. I pushed him down to sit in front of a box of knick-knacks ordering him to work organizing them so I could run to shelf them. He was quick to grumble about "forced ninja labor" and "ninja abuse" to which I just offered to let him take something small home. Key word being small. I wasn't about to let this kid just take home another one of our surf boards. Much less without paying for it.

"So you've worked here all your life, practically, right?"

"Since I was legally allowed to, yep." I said popping the p. He slid a few glass dolphins over to me and I went to set them on the shelf. "It's not all that bad." I commented, raising my voice so he could hear me. "It's for my dad, and I actually like it. I just wish I got paid." A shrug and I found myself back in the store room with the master of fire.

"You don't get paid?" He asked, not looking up from his work and I shook my head.

"It'd be like an allowance. It's my dads shop, so..." I trailed off and shrugged, taking the next few dolphins and repeating the process.

Now, this was all true. I really did enjoy working at the shop. It gave me something to do in my summers, especially considering I had zip friends. My dad was doing me a big favor really, giving me something to do so I didn't get into drugs or something awful like that. Plus, I did it out of love for my dad. He's a single parent and tries his best to provide for us. It's the most I can do for him, give him free labor. In exchange for a surfboard or a new bathing suit every now and again.

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