whats been happening

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It's been a while and I know I really suck at updating but it's really hard because online school is 20x more stressful than normal school.

Anyways I just want to take this time to voice my opinion somewhere on what's been happening in the United States as of now. I'm assuming you've all heard of the George Floyd situation recently.

It absolutely breaks my heart as a black individual myself that this is happening in the US right now. I do personally believe what the officers did was nothing less that wrong and deserves punishment much worse than 3rd degree murder, I even think some consequences have to be served on the MPD's side for constantly ignoring to brutal tendencies of murderer Derek Chauvin.

Now lemme day one more thing
Black lives matter is not an excuse to say Black lives are superior

It simply means that the lives of black people are being seen as if they don't matter as much as others since we always seem to get the short end of the stick almost ALWAYS and we want to bring awareness to that.

Now the final thing I'll ask of you is to sign this petition to fight for TRUE justice for George Floyd

http://chng.it/25hhZZjZf9 (sorry if it doesn't work)

Now onto less important things
The book
Now the continuation of this book is in an iffy spot because I feel as though I've kind of grown out of EAH especially since it ended so many years ago I haven't really been motivated to write plus the entire fandom is kinda dying too. I have been thinking of branching out and writing other things whether it be original or of other fandoms (most likely MLB or Marvel) yh so if I update this book soon hurrah! If not you know why and I'll come out with an official message explaining the detailed reason why I would leave

Thank you

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