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jungkook sat in the chair, the makeup artist lightly dabbing his face to apply the soft makeup. his eyes are closed— heartbeat at a steady pace. he tries to relax his mind before showing his talent to the thousands of people right outside this room.

the feeling of excitement lingering inside him, spreading throughout his body giving him a sense of warmth. he lets himself get distracted from the thoughts that were constantly screaming at him beforehand.

he's about to live him dream out there. in a matter of minutes, seconds even. he's finally made it and he's going to make it worthwhile.

he quickly checks his phone for any notifications but there is none. he sighs as his thumbs tap around in his phone. he opens twitter and sees a post that caught his eye.

he smiles as a thought pops up in his head— make a post

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he smiles as a thought pops up in his head— make a post. he quickly thought of something to say before his thumbs roamed his screen once again.

he smiled as the post quickly gained notice, hearing his fans just outside the room scream

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he smiled as the post quickly gained notice, hearing his fans just outside the room scream. he chuckled at that and tucked his phone in his back pocket, standing up.

"you ready?" he heard tzuyu call out, eyes turning their gaze at her.

"as ready as i'll ever be." he responded, flashing a smile at her as his eyes crinkled slightly.

he was a little let down that jimin didn't message him but he wasn't going to let that ruin his night. he needed to be at his best for his fans.

he wasn't going to let them down and he knew if he did, he'd be torn over it.

the music started to play as the lights went dim, he stepped onto the pedestal that gradually lifted him up higher.

the lights shined on him as the screams erupted around the stadium, so loud that he could hear them through his earpiece.

he smiled lightly to himself before he started to perform.

"so how does this revolve around taehyung?" jimin asked curiously, eyeing minjun as he continued to stuff his face.

"well, i found out he started following you guys.." minjun trailed off, mouth going still as he recalled the memory.

"he what?" jimin's eyes widened— leaning forward to make sure he really heard what he thought he did.

"um— yeah," he chuckled nervously as he swallowed his food. "he had a camera with him too. the first i saw him start to follow you guys was when your missing friend, uh tae.." he slowed his words, trying to remember taehyung's name.

"taehyung." jimin deadpanned. he just wanted minjun to get on with the explanation.

"yeah, taehyung. anyways, he followed him down the stairs and i was confused so i followed him. the camera was a cheap one too, i don't know why he would bring it around with him." minjun shook his head at the thought and then looked at jimin to continue on.

"he followed you and the guy who punched me and i called his name to ask why he was because— what the fuck, yunno?" minjun chuckled and jimin just nodded along.

"he told me to keep quiet and watch, which may i add— was really weird. so i did because why not and he took a picture of you guys doing something but i couldn't really see because there were bushes in my way." minjun's nervous eyes wavered across jimin's figure, like he was trying to warn him of something.

"us doing something?" jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he licked his bottom lip, trying to recall the drunken night.

his eyes widened suddenly causing minjun to question him. jimin stood up, writing something on the napkin beside him and laying it down on the table with two 20 dollar bills.

"where are you going?" minjun asked as he stood up, grabbing the napkin with him. he read "@parkmin", his twitter handle.

"wait— jimin, where are you going?" minjun hurriedly followed after jimin, pushing the door open as it started to shut on him after jimin bursted through it.

"i have to go. thanks for telling me all the stuff you know." he bowed towards him and started to walk off, not really thinking that he didn't have a car with him to get to where he needed to quickly.

"but, you don't have a car!" minjun called out. "let me take you!" he got jimin's attention at that, the black hair man turning his petite body around and walking straight to minjun's car.

"take me then." he spoke out monotonously. minjun blinked at him, shocked by his sudden straightforwardness.

"yeah, yeah okay." and with that the two drove off, jimin giving him directions as minjun drove around.

the entire car ride was silent, minjun slightly confused as to why jimin decided to keep quiet all of a sudden.

they pulled up to a nice looking house, specifically the one that jimin left from that morning.

"thanks, minjun-ah." jimin smiled as he was about to close the door.

"wait—" he was interrupted by the door slamming shut.

"what about my retweet?" he pouted, voice coming out more as a whine making jimin laugh.

"read the napkin." and with that he was off, knocking on the door of the house.

"jimin-ssi?" hoseok was the one to answer the door, shocking jimin because he was expecting namjoon or maybe seokjin.

"ah, hoseokie-hyung." jimin smiled at him, crescent eyes on full display as he pushed passed the older.

"what are you doing here?" he asked jimin once the door was shut, one hand resting on his hip.

jimin smiled once more at the older, but this smile was more bittersweet than anything.

he couldn't get the thought that he and yoongi made taehyung, his best friend, cry so hard that night. all he felt was bittersweet when it came to the two now which he didn't like, not one bit.

he looked up to the two, as his hyungs and as friends. but now everything just seems different. he didn't like it.

"where's namjoon-hyung?" jimin simply asked, smile faltering as his eyes laid upon the unusually serious boy.

hoseok just pointed down the hallway. jimin's eyes followed his finger to a room that had a light illuminating from it.

jimin nodded at hoseok and strode down the hallway. the door swung wide open as jimin appeared in the doorframe, body feeling heavy.

"jimin?" namjoon slowly asked as he eyed the younger, puzzling expression present on his face.

"he just came in-" hoseok quickly appeared behind jimin but was soon interrupted by him.

"i think i know who took taehyung."

[a/n] please if you have twitter or any social media, post #BlackLivesMatter and if you go to any of the protests be careful and make sure to pack a backpack with all the necessities you need. [a/n]

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