0.2 luke

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>here's a free picture of lashton looking hella fine<

"Dude, she was just some dumb ass chick. She was a fuckboy. Wait no," Michael shook his head as he thought again,
"She was a fuckgirl? That just doesn't sound as cool. Anyway, she was a total bitch! You just need to go with us Saturday to the party at Ashton's and get laid."

Luke shook his head and shoved another handful of chips into his mouth.
"I'm not going to Ashton's party." he mumbled as pieces of barbecue Lays flew out of his mouth and onto the couch. He cringed as he flicked them onto the floor.

"Why not? You really should just drink up and get your mind off of Ri-"
Luke scowled at Calum to keep him from finishing her name. Her name brought too many good and bad memories and he didn't want to think about any of them one bit.

"Jesus Christ. Luke, all I'm saying is that you need to get white boy wasted and forget about her, even if it's only for one night."

Ashton giggled and poked Calum's shoulder causing him to turn around,
"Did you say 'white boy wasted ' because you're an asian? That's really racist Calum, wow."

Shortly after, all you could hear was Ashton screaming 'ching chong' as Calum chased him around the house.

Michael patted Luke's back as he got up claiming to call for some pizza because he was 'always fucking hungry for some pizza'.

Luke actually really wanted to go to Ashton's party. He just wasn't very good with handling alcohol and his actions after getting a little tipsy. He wouldn't mind making out with a chick or two. Maybe Riley would be there too see. Maybe she would get jealous and take Luke back.

Maybe it's for the best that they broke up. She left him anyway; threw him away like he was nothing.

Before he knew it, Luke was crying again and he didn't want his friends to see. He quickly grabbed his phone and pack of cigarettes and ran outside to the front porch.
He was on his third cigarette when a girl drove up in a very old scratched up car and came to the door with two boxes of pizza.

Luke watched her as she cut through the grass to get to the door. She felt his gaze on her and slowly glanced at him, wondering why such a strangely hot boy was staring her down.

"I uhm," she gulped down her nerves. "I'm here to deliver pizzas to uh," she looked at the receipt again to see the name written down, "Lucifer Hemnings?"

Luke groaned as he shoved the bud of the cigarette on the ground and stood up to grab the paper from her hand.
He scowled when he saw that she actually said it as it was spelled,
"Damn you, Michael." He muttered under his breath.

The girl cleared her throat,
"I'm sorry, are you Luc-"
"It's Luke. And I didn't order them, my friend just put it under my name. Let me go get him." Luke glared at the girl before opening the door to go in and get Michael.

She expected him to let her in while she waited, but she was proven wrong when he slammed the door in her face. She rolled her eyes and rubbed her arms to try to keep warm.
All she heard for a good five minutes was the Luke boy and what she guessed to be Michael, yelling at each other.

"You call Riley a fuckboy but you're worse than her! Grow the fuck up Michael!" She winced at the harsh words. The poor boy.
"Calm down dude! All I did was put a pizza order in your name! You need to get over that bitch!"
Oh, so this Riley character was a girl. That's usually a boy name but she Jane liked it. Her's was so plain and common. Jane. She scrunched her nose thinking about how plain she saw herself as.
She was startled when the door flung open and a boy with red flaming hair fell on top of her.
"Woah, I-I'm sorry." Michael mumbled as he scrambled to get off of the small girl.
Jane just giggled as she blushed and shyly spoke, "It's a good thing I set the pizzas down."

Michael grinned, "Oh! You're the pizza girl! Here, I have a twenty somewhere in my pocket."
Jane stood quietly as she waited for him to find his money in those damn tight jeans. They suited him though.
Michael finally got the money from his pocket and grabbed Jane's hand to place it in hers and she gasped when he held it for a little longer than usual.
"You're too pretty to be a pizza girl, don't you think?" Michael smirked as he let go of her hand and grabbed the pizzas from the porch table.

Jane felt her face heat up and she wasn't so cold anymore. She shrugged and thanked him and went on her way to the car.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Michael yelled from the porch with the pizzas in one hand and another scratching the back of his neck.
She smiled fondly at him and yelled back "Jane! Jane of Peggy's Pizzas!"

Michael laughed, "Michael! Michael of Michael Clifford!" he shouted back.
She giggled and waved goodbye and went on her way back to her job.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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