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Zeus POV

It's been two years and I still can't find any signs of Lupe or her sister, when I got my memory back I went to my cousins company and asked about her and he told me that when he got back from keeping an eye on me until my parents got there she had gone to the company and resigned taking all her stuff and he hasn't heard from her since then. i went by her house and it had a for sale sign when I called the number on the for sale sign the lady that answered said that the owners had moved away and didn't know where to that she only asked the house to be sold and place the money on her bank account, when I tried to trace the bank account number it was of a bank in New York but when I went to New York looking for her I couldn't find her anywhere.

My parents were happy I had found my mate but were sad that she moved away. When I finally remembered where I had left my clothing I saw that my phone and everything else was still there, nothing had been taken. When my phone was fully charged I saw all the calls, messages and texts that Lupe had sent me. She must be thinking that I didn't want anything to do with her and that hurt me so much, I am now on my way to Texas to meet with an old friend who said she might know where to find information on my mate which was weird since the bank account was in New York not in Texas.

We arrived in Texas and we headed to our hotel near the beach which brought so many memories that I will never forget. I then got a call from my friend who told me to meet her at the restaurant near some shopping area just across from the Twins Beauty Salon. When we got there we sat down near the windows in the front of the restaurant so we could see out, a few minutes later my friend Trisha came in and hugged me and then everyone else. Felipe was with us since he wanted to know why Lupe had left without giving him an explanation besides what she said on the resignation letter that she had left, Trisha said that she has seen both Maria and Lupe go in and out of the beauty salon that was across from the restaurant around this time and that whenever she would go in there and ask for either of them the girls would look at her like she was crazy and would say that they don't know anyone with those names which meant that they either changed their names or they were just visiting someone there or getting their hair and nails done.

We waited for what seemed like hours and we never saw Maria or Lupe go in or out of the beauty salon, the owner of the restaurant was a werewolf and when we told him that we were looking for my mate and her sister who have been seen going in and out of the salon he said we could stay until we wanted. By the time that the salon had closed we never saw Lupe or Maria anywhere near there, we decided that we had done what we could and that we would go in there tomorrow and ask ourselves and see what we got. We headed to the hotel and before we got into the lobby we heard someone laughing and turned towards the direction that the laughter came from but didn't see anyone, we went to our rooms and then met up at the hotels restaurant to eat something and think how we were going to go in to a all woman beauty salon or how we could get information on who owned the salon.

Felipe then said that he had a friend named Andrew who was a real estate man here in Texas and maybe he could help us. He then took his phone out and dialed some number before he started to talk to someone on it and agreed to meet up the next day and catch up. That really brought a big smile on my face, I just hoped that this would lead us to where Lupe and Maria were. We finished eating and we headed to our rooms, when I got to my room I was looking out to the beach when I saw someone who had a wolf tattooed on the back which made me blink several times and when I looked at the same spot the person wasn't there anymore so I figured that my mind was playing games with me since I really wanted to see my mate.

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