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Lupes POV

After about two minutes the old man shouted at me and Trisha charged at me while I stood waiting for the right moment to move. Just as she was about to ram into me I moved and she threw herself off the ring into the people that were near the ring. I turned and looked at her as she turned looking at me with a pissed off face, I just smiled at her and waited for her to get back in the fighting ring.

"I thought we were going to fight" Trisha asked

"We are so what doing jumping into the people" I said

"You will pay for what you have done" Trisha said

"Well tell me how much it will be so I can pay you" I said

She charged at me and she tried to go for my throat which I blocked, if she thought that I was going to go down fast she had another thing coming at her. She kept throwing punches while I kept blocking them all while hearing people ask how it was possible for a human to block the punches that Trisha was throwing, some other people were cheering Trisha on telling her that I was weak and that she could finish me off easily. At that moment she shifted into her wolf and thought that I was going to be afraid of her but wasn't, I looked at her as she started to walk circles around me which made me smile waiting for her to charge at me.

After walking around me three or four times, she jumped on top of me which I allowed and I was able to hear Zeus growling. When both me and Trisha turned to look at him we saw Jordan, Felipe, Miguel and Derek holding him back. As we made eye contact I closed my eyes and when I opened them my eyes were ice blue with light green making Zeus calm down and smile at me, I then looked up at Trisha and she was looking at me too. I then pushed her off of me, throwing her to the other side of the ring, at the same time I could hear people asking themselves how I was able to do it if I was nothing more than a human.

Trisha charged at me and I waited until she was at arms length and grabbed her by her throat. I held her in place while she scratched me, leaving several open wounds on my arm. I threw her to the other side of the ring once more and as she was getting back on her feet I started to heal which started to make everybody wondering how I was healing so fast, Trisha shifted into her human form and the shocked look that she had on her face made me smile. She looked like she couldn't believe what she was looking at, that only made my smile even wider.

"How did you heal that fast" she asked

"Are we here to fight or talk" I asked

"You are just a mere human how can you heal so fast, I can't even

heal that fast and I am a werewolf" she said

"Are we here to fight or are we here so I can answer your questions" I asked

She charged at me once again and as she was doing so I heard Maria yelling at me to finish this fight once and for all, when Trisha was close I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her down on the floor of the ring knocking her out cold. The old man asked me to go to my side of the ring as he checked on Trisha, when he finished checking on her he called Mateo in and walked towards me grabbing my hand lifting it up in the air.

"I give you, your Luna" the old man said

At that moment I started to hear people howling and other people cheering, when I turned around I saw Maria running towards me and I opened my arms to her. I hugged her as tight as she was doing me, then I felt other people join the hug. I opened my eyes to be met by Zeus' eyes looking at me with so much love and pride, everybody let go and I walked up to him allowing him to hold me close to him as I laid my head on his chest hearing his heart.

Margaret walked up to me and I pulled her into a hug as she hugged me back. She was so proud of me and I could tell that Mateo was proud of me too. We got of the fighting ring and when we were going to start walking back to the pack house so I could shower and change into something more unrevealing e were met by a pack of werewolves who seemed so familiar to me, like I had seen them before but I didn't know from where until one of them shifted into his human form and brought tears to my eyes.

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