Chapter 6: Close the deal with mafia's way

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"You smell like love."- Unknown

Elsie POV

"Let me go!" I shouted out loud. I don't know who the hell they are. They just drove by my car when I was in the parking lot and shot me in a car with tinted glass.

"Please, miss. We don't want to hurt you, but we're just following our boss' orders." One of the guys sitting next to me spoke. Judging by their dark dress from head to toe, they looked like bodyguards. My eyes caught this identical scorpion tattoo on their necks which resembles a gang tattoo.

"Who is your boss?" I tried to conceal my fear.

"You're going to find out later." He refused to let me know who was behind it.

"What is your boss trying to do to me? Are you sure you are taking the right person? I'm Elsie Miller, I've got nothing to do with your boss."

"Yes, exactly, Ms. Elsie Miller. You are wanted by our boss." I'm speechless and I don't have any idea what to do in this situation. I don't know how I'm getting into this. As far as I remember, I've never offended anyone. I need to figure out how to get away from this situation.

After 15 minutes in the car with two scary guys, the car eventually came to a halt. They climbed out of the car and pulled me out of the car. I tried to free myself, but I didn't succeed. My energy can't fight their muscular body. It made me so helpless.

"Stop trying to get away, or I'll kill you." The guy who was driving the car earlier grimaced. His face is terrifying with a deep scar. It appears to be an old scar from a sharp object.

"No, I'm not going inside. Who knows what you're trying to do to me. Help! Somebody helps!" I cried out, even though I didn't see anybody nearby.

All of a sudden, I felt something hit my face, which made me stumble down the road. My body crashed on the floor, my elbows and knees struck the floor as well. I wheezed because of the pain.

He pulled my hair and tossed me over his shoulder to carry me into the penthouse. I can feel tears pouring down my cheeks from the painful feeling and fear that controlled my mind. I was scared but my body felt weak to retaliate.

Soon, my sight was clouded by darkness and I no longer remembered the next thing that was happening.

Dexter POV

"What did you do to her?" I approached her when I saw her bruised face and blood dripping from the edge of her lips. His elbows and knees were bleeding as well. He moved to place her unconscious body on the couch.

"My apologies, but she tried to escape earlier." One of them spoke. I punched him in the face, hating the fact that he failed to follow my order not to hurt her. I'm just trying to frighten her, but I have no intention of hurting her.

"I told you don't harm her! Now, leave!" They walked away and left me alone with her.

"Damn! If Andrea finds out, she'll hate me."

I scooped her from the couch in my arms with bridal style and put her down on the bed. Her white cloth was stained with blood from her wounded elbows. At the same time, I noticed her knees were bleeding too. Her condition was awful. It wasn't what I planned. This is not how it's supposed to be.

I walked to the wardrobe to find the first aid kit. I need to treat her wound to avoid the infection. I gently wash her face with the hot towel and wipe the blood off the edge of her lips. I tried to pull her sleeve, but it wasn't easy to deal with. Thus, without a second thought, I decided to get rid of the long sleeve shirt.

I walked to my closet and came out with one of my t-shirts. I unbutton her without hesitation. Well, I didn't have any bad intentions. I looked at her silhouette under the white shirt, she has a lovely silhouette. I gulped while my eyes roamed freely on her beautiful figure. I quickly changed her into my grey t-shirt. It reached above her knee due to her petite figure.

Then, I cleaned her injured elbow with the alcohol and bandaged it. I did the same to her injured knee too.

She was still unconscious. My eyes scanned her face, she was indeed beautiful as Andrea claimed. Her dark brown hair, plump lips, and fair skin can really appeal to any guy, but I certainly not one of them.

I sat on the bed beside her waiting for her to awake while mesmerizing her beauty. It took so long till I drift to my own sleep too.



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