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Jade's trailer was - for now - pretty plain.

There was a small bed at the far end of the trailer, tucked away behind a divider that you could pull across or leave open. Then in the centre of the trailer there was a tiny kitchen space against one wall, and a coffee table with one chair against the other. The door was to the right of this area, and then to the right of the door was a small living area with one sofa and a small TV hanging from the wall.

It was the first day of October, and filming was to start the day after once everyone had gotten settled into their trailers and the crew had set up for the filming. They would be filming in LA up until mid January, when only a few members of the cast (Jade included) would film in Cornwall until February 2nd.

Jade put the detailed filming schedule she had just been given from the producers on the counter and made a mental note to buy a fridge magnet to put it up. She then looked round the trailer...some fairy lights would be cute too, she thought. And she needed to get cushions for the sofas and the bed...and maybe beanbags...

She needed to go shopping.

She pulled out her phone and texted Tom.

Tommy x

where you at?

Just out of a meeting
You alright?

yeah i'm good!
are you?

I'm brill x

do you have a break now?

Yeah, but I gotta be back for another meeting at 4 :((

wanna come with me to buy shit for my trailer?

Yeahh sure!

meet me by your car!! x

Okay! x

She sighed and looked round the trailer once more before grabbing her bag and leaving.

The film set, cameras, and all the tech were being set up, and it was really daunting for Jade. She would be in the middle of all that very soon...what if she didn't do well? What if the rehearsals she had had with the rest of the cast were flukes and in front of the camera she would actually be really bad?

Her chest started to feel very heavy as she walked to Tom's car. Could she do this? God, she was so tired. She yawned, before running a hand through her curls and picking up her pace. Screw self-doubt.

She got to Tom's car and leaned against it, waiting for him. Suddenly her phone started to ring and a grin lit up her face when she realised who it was.

She pressed answer and lifted the phone to her ear, "well, if it isn't Mr Harry Styles himself!"

"Alright, love?" He asked.

"Ah yeah, and yourself?"

"I'm brilliant, brilliant," he said lightly.

"What can I do for you, then?" She asked.

"You got time for a story?"

"Always," she laughed softly, "go for it."

"So I was in the shower right and I was singing random shit, you know?"

✯ Fame - Tom Holland ✯Where stories live. Discover now