Every one of us is surrounded by as many friends as possible. But the point is who lends the helping hand among them when we are in trouble. Probably they stand out among the others and that's why we often address some of our friends as special, best etc. But enlightening great friendships is undoubtedly the finest way to find happiness and joy in your life. Well unlike other relationship, building friendship requires more time and energy, and most importantly it requires even more commitment. Among few things in life, friendship is one that offers greater rewards.
The best ever advice that I often receive from my father is that, he says find three great friends and if you do so, then you are the richest person indeed. Many centuries ago, an unknown philosopher said "There is nothing in the world more valuable than friendship. Those who banish it from their lives remove as it were the sun from earth, because of all of nature's gifts, it is the most beautiful and most pleasing."
If you sow the seed of friendship, you are sure of receiving a rich return of great friends. When others don't respond, don't take it as rejection, rather move to next person who are in need of your offer. To have a deep friendship, you must be willing to move out of your comfort zone to the one you might not know and show sincere efforts that you care for them.
D Insight - D one within urself
Espiritual"Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. The one who looks outside - Dreams;who looks inside - Awakens"