1 | Cheese In The Trap

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A panicked voice could be heard in the hallway as the workers holding the basket of roses halted their steps, and turned around to look at the woman in question. She ran a hand down her face, and went to them hurriedly. "Roses? I had specifically mentioned that sir don't like roses. Why would you bring these in?" she asked wide eyed, and shook her head. "I'll talk to your manager, just put these away before the boss sees them," she ordered, and the workers scurried away immediately.

She sighed, and grabbed her phone from the table. "Paul, you're the manager, and I remember we had a talk about roses," she started as soon as the man picked up the call. "How could you be that irresponsible?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. It must be caused by some misunderstanding. I will arrange something else," he apologized.

"You better do that," she warned before hanging up on him.


The woman turned around when heard a familiar voice, and smiled brightly when she saw a familiar couple coming her way. "Xiumin!" she said cheerfully before facing the other guy. "Chen. How are you guys doing?"

"We're doing great," Xiumin said. "He's good in bed," he winked, and she groaned audibly.

"Come on!" Chen also gave him a disapproving look before turning to the distressed girl. "I pity you, sweetheart. You're working so hard on someone else's wedding day."

"It's my work," Hera shrugged. "Did you meet him?" she asked referring to her boss /today's groom.

"We did," Xiumin waved off the matter. "He's still himself, taking calls from the clients and brooding alone in the room. He won't change even after the marriage. I'm sure."

"He's working on his wedding day? I'm already pitying Amaira," Chen pouted, and she chuckled. "I mean, she's the one getting married to that working machine."

"He's not that bad," she said, earning suspicious glances from the couple.

"You're not in love with him. Are you?" they asked at the same time, and her eyes widened in shock as she shook her head at once.

"Seriously? Hahaha!" she laughed out loud and held her stomach as Xiumin and Chen gave her weird looks. "Me? In love with him? I mean how can you even say that?"

"I guess there's a vocal box and a tongue in everyone's mouth which helps them speak whatever they want to," Xumin replied sarcastically.

Ji Hyeran, shortly known as Z Hera, had been Byun Baekhyun's secretary for over two years now. She had seen the side of her boss that no one has ever seen. Yes. He was cold, ruthless and a guy who could destroy you in seconds without thinking twice, but he was softhearted too. He cared about his people. He just didn't know how to show it. His personality was attractive just as his handsome face, but Hera knew how to keep professional and personal life separated, and how important the task was for her career. Therefore in these two years, she has maintained a strict work related relationship with him. Falling in love with him? It was impossible to think about it now.

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