Raise your hand🖐🏻

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*At YG's Office*

YG: So is anyone here really straight?!

Jennie (about to raise her hand)

Rosé (grabs Jennie's hand so that she can't raise it)

Lisa: Nah. This is who we are

Jisoo (raises her hand)

YG *surprised*: Wow Jisoo, so you're straight?

Jisoo: No. But I have a question sajangnim

(Back in the Dorm)

Jennie (whispers to Rosé):
Hey, whisper whisper. I really love you.
I really love the four of us. I wish we could be like this forever, especially you.

Rosé (whispers back):
Awww, but why are we whispering?

Jennie (still whispering): I just want to make Lisa think we're conspiring against her, even though we're actually not. Just look at her, like make your eyes full of, uhm, hatred, as you talk

Rosé (Looks at Lisa): Yeah, she's quite like that sometimes. I mean, always.

Lisa (sweating in fear): Do you know what they're talking about Jisoo Unnie?
Their eyes are really getting on my nerves!

Jisoo (knows everything but doesn't want to ruin their fun): They're planning to murder you in your sleep so watch out.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now