Only Girl🌍

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(At their Dorm)

Lisa: Kim Jisoo-yah! Would you date me if I were the only girl in the world?

Jisoo: If you were the only girl in the world then I wouldn't even exist.

Lisa: Can't you just answer the question like a normal person would do?

Jisoo *shows up wearing a superhero costume*: Unfortunately, I'm not normal.

Lisa: Yeah? Well me too!


Normal Person:


(Meanwhile, when Chaennie just got back from the Mall)

Lisa *exclaims*: ANNOUNCEMENT TO NO ONE! The Chipmunk and The Mandu Kitten is back! I repeat—

Rosé: Repeat that again and I will send you back to Bangkok, Monkey!

Lisa *stucks out her tongue*:
Oh yeah? Says who? Huh?

Jennie *Walks beside her Hubby*:
Says me, A. K. A The Wifey slash I will really do it, Lisa.

Lisa *nervously runs back to Jisoo*

Jennie *smirks*: You know Rosie,
I really like your new pants.

Rosé: Thanks, they were actually
50% off!

Jennie: I'd like them better if they were 100% off. *wink* *wink*

Rosé: The store doesn't give clothes for free. You know that, right?

Jennie: That's not what I meant.

Rosé: And that's a terrible way to run a business, Wifey.

Jennie *dramatically sighs*:
Good thing I'm a Singer then.


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