Chapter 14

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Brooklyn's POV

I was woken up by my phone alarm , which meant it was seven A.M and I had to get ready for class . Madison still hadn't came back , I took my toiletry bag and went to the shower , luckily I was the only one there . After taking a shower I brushed my teeth and peed before I went back to my room .I applied lotion on my body  before I put on my matching pink underwear , I picked out a random outfit and wore it . I took my glasses , phone and books , I got out and locked the door before I headed to class . I had literature first .

I walked in class , the were only two students , Adrian and another girl I didn't know . Adrian was sitting in the back , busy with his phone  while the girl was sitting in the front , reading a book . The room was quiet   that even my footsteps made noise . The girl and Adrian looked up at the same time . Adrian gave me a death glare as if I had done something wrong , he shook his head in irritation and anger before he clicked his tongue and looked at his phone .

"Hi !" The girl said as she looked at me with a huge smile on her face

"Hi " I said awkwardly as my attention went from Adrian to her

"I'm Lillian Miller , but you can call me Lilli " She stood up and offered me a handshake while she smiled

" Brooklyn Bailey , but you can call me Brook...or Bailey , whichever you choose " I smiled as we shook hands

Lillian had beautiful brown eyes ,long brown hair , smooth tanned skin ,  a straight nose and pink lips  . She was wearing a nevi blue sweater , black jeans and black flat shoes . She was so beautiful  . Lillian was slightly shorter than me  but not too short , her and I were almost the same height . ALMOST .

"I thought Bailey was your last name" Adrian said in annoyance from the back

I turned around and looked at him , he was still paying attention to his phone , I rolled my eyes in annoyance .

"I wasn't talking to you Adrian !" I said before I turned back around to face Lilli

He mumbled something under his breath but I just rolled my eyes in annoyance . I didn't know why he was acting like that , it was very strange . I sat down next to Lilli , we started talking and laughing together as the other students came in before the teacher finally arrived . Lilli and I were quiet through the lesson and paid attention to Mr Harris  while the other students just talked about the party , only a few actually listened to what Mr Harris was saying. I could hear Adrian laughing with some guys at the back and his laughter irritated me . The period was over and I had art class next while Lilli had History so we said goodbye and headed to the next classes . The other periods went by pretty quickly and it was lunch time .

I took my stuff before I got out of the classroom and went to put my stuff in my locker  before I headed to the cafeteria . The were a lot of people sitting in groups , I saw an empty table at the back and headed there  since I wasn't really hungry.I sat down before I took out a book and a pencil . I took out my earphones , plugged them onto my phone and started playing some music . I began drawing on the book , I didn't have any idea of what I was drawing until one of my favorite song came up . I sang along as I continued drawing

Call me maybe

"Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my number
So call me maybe

It's hard to look right
At you baby
But here's my number
So call me maybe "

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