Five of Five

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"Where have you been?" Was the first thing I heard when I stepped into my hotel room. I looked over seeing Sabrina stood by the bed with her arms crossed.

"I was taking care of business, which is what I came here to do" I told her kicking my shoes off

She rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door. I ran my hands through my hair sitting on the edge of the bed and lit one of my pre-rolled blunts.

Not wanting to hear anymore of Sabrina's mouth I got up deciding to smoke on the balcony as I thought about all the shit I had going on.

Today had been eventful and I was working on my legit side of business out here, it was a lot to do juggling both the streets and working on my legal future, but I trusted my bro's back home to handle shit temporarily.

I walked back inside noticing Sabrina had now climbed in the bed pretending to be asleep. I took off my clothes putting my gun in the dresser and set my alarm for 9 before climbing into bed.


I woke up to my alarm ringing and seen I had missed a call from my mama.

"Hey mama wassup, I just seen ya call" I said looking for an outfit to wear before heading into the shower.

"Boy, don't hey mama me! Where the hell are you? I stopped by your house this morning and bumped into the housekeeper on her way out. Tell me why she said you were out of state?"

"Im sorry ma, Im in LA, I'm taking care of some business but I'll be back in less than a week" I let her know as I waited for the dramatics.

"And you couldn't tell me? So I am nobody, so I didn't raise you? Am I not your mama anymore? You better stay where you are treating me like a stranger" She scolded me through the phone

"Ma come o-" I managed to utter before she disconnected the call.

I sighed grabbing my clothes and stepped into the shower. My mama was a real life drama queen. She would call me back in around two hours asking me how I was doing.

Today I had a meeting with my Lawyer, to look over the contracts Ms Santiago had drafted. I just wanted to make sure everything was good on my end. You could never be too sure when it came to your money.

I let Sabrina know I was heading out as I slipped on my shoes and she nodded with an attitude. Looked like a damn pigeon doing all that neck shit. Why are females so damn dramatic all the time.

Pulling up to Starbucks, I noticed my lawyer was already sat at a table with his laptop. We usually met in his office but he had flown in from New York and we had no time to book a meeting room.

"Good morning" He got up to shake my hand

"You good? Im about to grab me a lemonade hold up" I told him walking up to the counter and giving the woman my name and order. Once it was ready I sat back down ready to discuss any adjustments on the terms.

"I have reviewed everything here and there are just a few things you might want to go over, not too many and nothing too complex" He said sliding over the sheet with his annotations.

I read over them agreeing with them and we discussed some more things, he was my fathers lawyer before mine and a great family friend. I almost considered him an uncle.

I had to contact Mr Santiago so the highlighted changes could be made and ended up receiving a lunch invitation at his house.

As it was still early I hit up my homeboy to come and meet me as the Starbucks was not too far from the hotel and I drove down to Melrose ave deciding to do some shopping.

Kaerah Santiago


Where are you?




Why didn't you come home last night?


I had to pick some stuff up but didn't feel well enough to drive home.

I rolled my eyes seeing he had left me on read and decided to pop a painkiller, washing it down with the water on my night stand.

I was still in pain so I cleared my schedule for 2 days seeing as I was ahead of schedule and I could do most of my current work from the 'comforts' of my home.

I walked into my en-suite completing my hygiene and got dressed into comfy grey sweater, black leggings and my favourite Ugg slippers.

Luckily, I still had majority of my things in my old bedroom, especially all of my college stuff.

My stomach rumbled reminding me I hadn't eaten yet so I got up walking into the kitchen. My mama was sat on the island reading a wedding magazine causing me to internally roll my eyes and groan.

"Hey mama" I said opening the fridge and pulling out some milk.

"Hello my princess! You're so early today" She beamed setting the magazine down and giving me a once over.

"I slept in my room last night, Steve was away again" I lied.

"Well honey, you can't keep staying here when he's away. You're going to be a married woman soon! Think about how that looks to other people. "

I sighed pouring my cereal into the bowl and then adding the milk. Everywhere I went, I wanted to get away from. Was there something wrong with me?

"Yes mama I know" I finally said as she watched my every move.

I know she wanted to criticise me, for my outfit, my choice of food, my choice of lifestyle. Just about anything she could pick at.

"Look, I only tell you this because I want the best for you! Also, I have realised how busy you have been with work so I have taken it upon myself to hire a wedding planner for you but I think after the wedding, you should quit your job and focus on being a wife"

I looked at her like she had grown two heads, the woman was out of her mind. "And depend on Steve for the rest of my life?" I scoffed earning a disapproving look from my mother

"No! I just want the best for you. I don't work and I am happy! I have all the time to spend focusing on my husband and my only child"

"The best for me is not the best for you" I muttered under my breath annoyed at where the conversation was heading.

"Don't be like that, I have sacrificed so much for you and your father. I know you love your job but you will have a husband to cater too and kids who will need all of your attention. Your Fiance has a good job! He can provide for both of you."

I rolled my eyes for the millionth time wishing I had stayed in my room. "But enough of this anyway, the most important thing right now is your wedding" She went on "I'm going to schedule a dress shopping ,cake tasting and I need you to send me a guest list by the end of the week"

"Yes Oka-" I stopped seeing my father and Mr Cortez at the kitchen door.


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