Circuits and wires.

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"Recording number 48 of residing at the hoard. I have discovered that the panels seem to overheat when the bots let out destructional activity." I spoke into the box that my hair held up. "I'll dig into this further, perhaps more strategic wiring, or maybe I have to tinker with the circuit boards again." I finish.  I've been here for almost a week now and I need to finish up these bots soon so I can give Hordak something. As soon as I figure out why the panels keep getting to scorching temperatures I can fix it and finally show him the product.

Catra walks in as I'm dismantling the panels. "So, hows everything coming along?" She asks. "Pretty good, these bots are going to be super helpful on the field." I say. "Just as I expected. You know we really appreciate you being here and helpful." The tone in her voice advised me otherwise but I simply ignored it. "Of course." I state while moving around the wires. I turn back to see she had left. Hm. She's a bit strange. After a couple hours I moved all the wires around to the best positions that I could see fit.

I closed up the paneling and screwed the bolts back in. I walked out the door and down the hallways. We arrived at the junkyard. "Alright bot you know the drill, fire away!" I instructed. A red beam struck into the junkyard. "Great job, now lets just feel your temp." I say taking off my glove to pat the top of the bot. "HOT! HOT! HOT!" I yell. I hiss at the pain and turn around and bump into something hard. "I can't see to remember making a human sized bot-" I mumble and look up to see its Hordak. "Oh, um hi. Can I help you?" I say curiously.

"Yes, I came to see your progress on my bots."
He said. "Um they aren't perfect quite yet...but I'm almost positive I know what I need to fix and it shouldn't take me more than an hour or two. I'll bring them to you once they are complete." I say picking up a tool but quickly dropping it as the cool metal was a harsh change to my burned hand. "Do you need medical attention?" Hordak asked. "No, no, I'll be fine." I state. Hordak grumbled something I couldn't quite pick up on. "Hold on I'll be back" he says. I pick up the tool but with my hair this time and pull back the paneling.

"I guess you could have made that work but you also need your hands as well." Hordak said, scaring me. "Oh, Hordak I um didn't know you were here...." I say trying to act as if I wasn't scared. He placed a cream and some bandages onto a table. "That should help get my bots done faster of course." He said swiftly and walked out. I sigh applying the cream which stung and bandaged up my hand. He was right to be concerned about these bots they should have been done yesterday.

"That just means we will have to work even harder today right, Emily?" I spoke in a determined tone and Emily nodded her....her body. I soon got started on repairing the bot with Emily's help. After running a few more tests I finally had the bot stable. I wouldn't say perfect because there is always room for improvement but, it was a pretty good prodigy. I sketched out blueprints of each step along with writing it down in my note book and before you knew it they were done.

I was sleepy and realized sleeping on Emily probably wouldn't cut it anymore. I walk out of my room and to Hordak's lair. It was dark when I opened the doors but then straight ahead two red eyes opened up. I walked up near Hordak and gathered my words. "Um I know it may be a lot to ask for but I was wondering if I could have a place to sleep? It's ok if not I'll just sleep on Emily." I said my words really fast and I just hope he had understood because it would be even worse if I had to repeat myself.

"That's fine we can move you to a more suitable room. But I don't want you to distract people or "fix" anything that you haven't been told to." Hordak says, his voice stern. "Of course. No need to worry. Also on a good note I have finished the first bot, blueprints, and notes. I'll take another good look at them tomorrow to see if there is anything I can perfect before creating more bots." I spoke. "Sounds like a plan to me. After your sure of my bots you will allow me to see them and inspect them in action. Also for your room I will assign a guard to assist you to a one." He finalized the conversation and had a guard escort me to a room.

It was simple a bed and nightstand with a light source. I'm still going to use the storage room as a workspace but I feel safer to sleep in here. I did happen to have a book with me about programming and decided it would be resourceful. I opened the book and began reading. Before I knew it I was already 4 chapters in some of the things mentioned were simple and I already knew but they used that as a background to build on to allow you to understand the more elaborate techniques that you could you to make a significant amount of progress in a short amount of time.

The book was truly helpful however it was getting late and I was getting more tiered by the second. I sat the book on the nightstand and turned off the light. Soon I drifted off into a mostly peaceful sleep with Emily by my side.

Sorry for the delay on the update I guys my life has been pretty hectic lately I can't believe it's been a month! Hope you enjoyed. ☺️ -Erika

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