Final product

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I wake up in the new room and find Emily stretching. "Hm. Seems it's a new day, Emily." I say, stepping out of bed. I myself stretch and yawn. "Today we have to run final tests and then if all goes as planned we can turn in the reports, blueprints, data, and of course, the bots." I say to Emily while lightly patting her head. We stroll over to the storage room and I spread out all the needed papers while Emily collects the required tools.

After running six tests I wrote down how each bot preformed. "Lasers...9/ didn't overheat....8/10....overall destruction 10/10...." I mumbled to myself tapping my chin ever so slightly with my hair. "Okay! I think these bots are more than acceptable and ready to go, Emily!" I said to her cheerfully. Emily ran in a circle to show her excitement in her own way. I have her a high-five and led the bot towards Hordak's lair.

Catra's POV

I set down the eyeliner that I just applied with a sigh. Ever since Adora left I have also started to develop feelings for Hordak. I can't choose between them and until I can make that decision I want to keep that robot princess away from Hordak. I've seen the way he's treated her...he gave her a room to stay and he's allowing her to work on the thing he cherishes most. I was even walking past when he was concerned for her injured hands. Hordak never is that soft with me or any of the Horde members for that matter. I growl out in frustration hitting my fist on the sink in front of the mirror. I calmly breath in. All I need to do is find a way to get rid of this little princess and keep impressing Hordak as force captain.

Entrapta's POV

On my way to Hordak's lab I run into Catra.
"Hey Entrapta, where are you headed?" She asks me. "Oh, to Hordak's lab I finished the bots finally." I say with a smile. Although, hers was fake. "Well, I suggest you don't get close to Hordak he will just use you. That's all he wants from you is to make him more successful so don't think he's being your friend." She tells me. "Oh...right." I said a little upset. I thought we were friends after he helped my hands heal up. "Well, I have force captain things to get to. See ya around, bot princess." Catra says and walks off. "Bye..." I say while processing new information.

I knock on Hordak's door and I get no reply. I slightly push open the door and look through to see him soundly asleep at his desk space. I push the door open the rest of the way and close it shut once the prototype, Emily, and me are inside. I spread out the notes, trials, and blueprints in front of him on his desk. "You, stay here. Okay?" I tell the bot. It sits down next to Hordak. "Good." I say with a smile and walk off. Well, I was going to anyways. That was before my wrist was grabbed by him. "Oh, your up. Sorry if I woke you." I say apologetically to him.

"Sit and explain." He demands. I sit on the desk in front of him And kick my legs a bit as I start to explain. "So, as you can see here there's 5 times the amount of force one of your bots with a normal laser would have. There is thicker metal on the outside for two reasons A. It can withstand more damage B. It won't overheat. Well, B also had some help from the strategic wiring patters I installed.-" I cut myself off after he started playing with my hair. "Don't worry I'm listening..." He says still looking at my hair and twisting it.

"W-well, my hair has always been sensitive." I say a little flustered. I gently take my hair from his hands and he looks up me. "So, uh here's blueprints and notes. It goes over everything in detail. Oh, and here's my voice recorder I logged every day I worked on the prototype."
I tell him. I start to walk off with Emily but he grabs my waist with one hand and turns me around. "I-...I would like you to demonstrate." He said quickly. "Yeah, of course. Silly me." I hop on top of Emily and she walks towards the scrap room with Hordak trailing behind us.

I feel him start to touch one of my pigtails and my face turn a shade of red so I pulled down my mask over my face. "It's very soft." Hordak says. I just hum a yes to him because if I speak I might end up stuttering or something stupid.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He suddenly asks straight up. "Hm...I'm simply doing my job?" I tell him, playing dumb. "No, you were a lot happier the other day when I checked in on you." He says. "Hey, look we are here." I said hopping off of Emily." He grabs my wrist and turns me around and looks me dead in the eyes with a angry look.

"Am I not doing something right? Are you not happy here with me?" He asks. "No, you fine. We should probably test the bot." I tell him. "Will you...can you...I know most people have friends but...I do not. I would like to....have you as my friend...if that is okay?" He asks me with a soft expression completely ignoring what I said. I though back to what Catra said. Who is she to hold me back from making friends....he seems serious...I don't think he's using me. I will just be cautious. "Sure." I say.

A small genuine smile crosses his face. "Great." He says. "Hey, your smiling." I tease while poking his face. He rolls his eyes and let's go of my wrist reluctantly. I run six more tests to show him every plus that this bot has compared to his creations. "Impressive." He said, patting my head. "Thank you." I say and on cue my stomach rumbles. I hide my face a bit. "I think it's a good idea that we eat something while I explain my portal to you." Hordak suggests.

Hi guys I know I know don't beat me up everything is a little crazy but I had sooooo much fun writing this chapter. Ooo so Catra seems to be a bit jealous I wonder how this is gonna play out. If anyone has any suggestions or scenes they would like don't be shy comment or dm me. I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do. I love you my little readers thank you so much for all of the votes and support. 🙏


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