Chapter 15: Shadowzone

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3rd Person POV

Outside Dante's house

Dante walked outside and sighed. He was in the final stages of his projects, and, honestly, he was getting a little tired of how many times he had to readjust the fusion cores. So he decided to get some fresh air.

Glancing up at the midmorning sky and at the stars that were still visible, he smiled. It was amazing how the world could be so peaceful and yet so deadly. One day soon, the Rev-9 thought. One day, I will end this war and stop mine from ever happening.

Deciding that it would probably be a good idea to let off a bit of steam, Dante walked inside, went down to the secret part of his base, grabbed his hunting knife and machete, and walked back outside.

Drawing out his phone and selecting a song, he assumed a fighting position.

[Start Track]

Even though he knew that his fighting style was nearly flawless, practicing gave him a sense of peace, however slight. He began flowing through a multitude of poses and moves, slashing and parrying in time with the music as he performed his deadly dance.

Arcee was driving down the road to get Dante, her thoughts still on the events of the previous day, when she heard music coming from the field behind Dante's house.

Curious, she drove up and transformed before sneaking over to the side of the house. She gasped in surprise when she saw Dante whirling in a blur of motion in tune to the music that was playing.

I guess he wasn't lying about practicing with his weapons, Arcee thought quietly as Dante backflipped and twisted, slashing with both of his weapons and taking out two imaginary enemies.

Arcee waited till the song was over before coming out of hiding. "Seems like you're keeping in shape."

[End Track]

Dante glanced over at her as he sheathed his machete on his back and his hunting knife on his hip. "I thought I heard someone sneaking up around back," he replied. "So, how long were you checking me out for?" he asked playfully.

Arcee shifted. "I-I..."

Dante cut her off with a laugh. "Relax, Cee," he said. "I'm joking. Honestly though, I couldn't blame you if you were."

Arcee rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now come on before the others start wondering what's taking so long." Suddenly, an idea came to her, and she grinned. "And besides," she added mischievously, "you don't want Miko to get the wrong idea about what's taking so long, do you?"

Dante paled. "I-I'll be right back, just need to go drop off my gear." With that, he bolted inside faster than you could say terminator and closed the door.

Smirking to herself, Arcee strolled out to the front and waited.

Two minutes later, Dante walked out, his shotgun strapped to his back.

"Let me guess," Arcee said. "You got a feeling?"

"That tonight's gonna be a good, good, night..." Dante responded in song, earning himself a strange glance from Arcee. "Oh, come on," Dante defended. "That was awesome!"

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now