4th of July Special

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3rd Person POV

Dante's House

"Dante!" Arcee called as she waited outside his house in vehicle form. "You coming?"

"Be out in a sec!" True to his word, Dante appeared moments later. "What are we doing again?" he asked as he got on her and they zoomed down the road amidst a beautiful sunset.

"Jack and the others said that Jasper was putting on some sort of celebration," Arcee replied. "I think it was the 4th of July or something?"

Dante tilted his head, searching through his files for a moment. "I think it's a celebration of independence or something," he said. "Something historical."

"Well whatever it is, Optimus recommended that we should partake in with the other 'humans' in one of their holidays in order to get to know them better," Arcee explained.

Dante shrugged. "Well, this is certainly one way to do it. Honestly, I'm honored that you decided to take me along with you," he said jokingly.

"Well, who else would I take?" Arcee asked, a smirk evident in her voice. "You are my partner after all."

Dante rolled his eyes. "You sure that's the only reason?"

"Among other things," Arcee replied.

"Such as?"

"Not telling," Arcee said.

Dante sighed. "Fine, where are we going anyways?"

"Jack said he found a place far enough away from the other humans where we could watch the celebration in regular form. Elita asked him what was in it, but he didn't say," Arcee answered.

"Course he didn't," Dante muttered. "Well, guess we'll just have to wait and see."


It was almost dark by the time Arcee and Dante pulled up on a ridge overlooking Jasper where the others were waiting. "Hey guys," Dante greeted as he jumped off Arcee and she transformed behind him. "We late?"

"Nope," Miko said cheerfully from her spot on Bulkhead's shoulder. "You're right on time."

"Yeah," Jack agreed from his spot next to Elita. "It's about to start."

"What's about to start?" Dante asked as he sat down on the ledge, Arcee sitting down next to him.

"You know, the fireworks," Raf said from his spot on a boulder next to Bumblebee.

"Still have no idea what the heck you guys are talking about," Dante said.

Jack stared at him in surprise. "Haven't you ever been to a 4th of July celebration?"

Dante shook his head. "Never really had the time," he admitted. "I'm about as new to normal human celebrations as the bots are."

Miko shrugged. "Well, you're about to find out. Its starting!"

Right on cue, something shot up from about half a mile outside town and exploded in the air, creating a beautiful array of colors. Dante realized that this must be the fireworks that Raf had talked about. The bots, humans, and Dante watched in awe as multiple fireworks shot into the air to illuminate the night sky.

Sometime through the duration of the show, Dante's hand hound itself on top of Arcee's. Startled, Arcee looked down at their hands at the same time Dante did. "Sorry," Dante apologized, and made to remove his hand, but Arcee stopped him.

"It's alright," she said with a smile. "I don't really mind."

Smiling back at her, Dante turned back to face Jasper with his partner, their hands intwined as fireworks lit up the sky.  

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now