Chapter 17: Crisscross

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3rd Person POV

Dante's House

Arcee was driving up to Dante's house, so she could take him back to base, when she spotted him shooting targets with his shotgun. Slightly interested, she transformed and watched as Dante flung a trio of targets from his hip and into the air before shooting them with his shotgun while looking at a handheld mirror.

"Enjoying the show?" Dante asked as he put his shotgun away.

"How did you do that?" she gestured to the destroyed remains of the targets he had been using. "Shooting with a mirror, I mean."

Dante shrugged. "Since I have a lot of spare time on my hands, I decided to try out some trick shots. What'd you think?"

Arcee shrugged. "I've seen worse," she joked.

Dante glared at her playfully. "I'd like to see you try it."

Arcee shrugged. "Sorry, but I don't spend that much time looking at myself in a mirror, unlike you."

Dante grinned cheekily. "Can you blame me?"

Arcee rolled her eyes. "I honestly don't understand how I am still sane after hanging around with you so much."

"Tis one of life's greatest mysteries," Dante declared.

Arcee sighed. "Shut up and get on, so we can get back to base."

Dante nodded. "Gotcha. Just let me put my gun away." Dante grabbed his gun and, after making sure that Arcee couldn't see him, went down to his basement/base, placed the gun on the gun rack, and went back up to the front door where Arcee was waiting in vehicle mode.

As they drove off toward the base, Dante asked his daily question. "So, anything interesting happen?"

"You could say that. I feel bad for Jack."

Dante frowned. "Why?"

"I'll let him explain."

"Come on, not even a hint?" Dante complained.


Dante pouted. "You're being mean."

"Deal with it," Arcee told him, a smirk in her voice.

Sighing, Dante decided to relax and enjoy the fresh Nevada wind. "I think I see why you guys decided to put your base out here," he said. "It's quite peaceful."

"And away from the big cities," Arcee pointed out.

Dante winced. "I've never really been a big fan of the city," he admitted.

"Bad memories?" Arcee asked in concern.

Dante nodded. "Pretty much. Sometimes life is just a real pain in the aft, you know?"

Arcee didn't reply, but Dante got the feeling she agreed.


When they arrived at the Autobot base, they found Jack panicking while Elita tried to calm him down.

"Alright Jack, what'd you do?" Dante asked as he got off Arcee, and she transformed.

"I didn't do anything!" Jack protested.

"It's actually true," Elita agreed, then muttered, "for once."

"Hey!" Jack objected.

Enter Dante, The Rev-9: Book 1: RogueWhere stories live. Discover now