Break In

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"Is everyone in their positions?" Kaldur asked through M'gann's mental link.

"Umm yes, but am I the only one with reservations about breaking and entering the house of Batman? Like he probably has more boobytraps than that Indiana Jones movie! And what if he catches us? For all we know he could be a vampire out for our blood? I mean he's 'Batman'!" Wally exclaimed, making fang motions with his hands.

The team was about to break into Wayne Manor, the home of Batman, in a effort to learn more about Robin's home life, gather incriminating evidence, and maybe convince Robin to leave with them. The latter probably wouldn't happen because Robin loved his surrogate father and didn't know of his evil deeds.

"Wally...," Artemis groaned, "Don't back out on us now! It'll be fine and we always have the League to bail us out if necessary."

"Artemis is right. We need to focus on the task at hand," stated Aqualad.

"Let's go already," said Conner, impatiently.

"Young Justice go!" Aqualad commanded.

Each member of the team entered through different part of the house, but they all met up in the main hallway. The hallway was dark and empty, but it wasn't foreboding. The hallway was actually cozy feeling, not the kind of hallway you would think would belong to a man that dressed up as a bat to beat up people. There were even happy pictures hung up on the walls with smiling faces.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. For starters there isn't an Iron Maiden in the corner. Glad I'm not getting spiked today," whispered Wally, looking around.

"Shh." Artemis held her finger to her lips.

With the everyone now silent, the team could now hear a faint sound coming from afar.

"What's that?" Wally asked, straining his ears.

"Someone is crying," said Conner, his superb hearing allowing him to hear the sobbing sharply.

"Who? Do you know why?" M'gann asked, concerned.

"I don't know for sure, but unless there's more than one kid living here, it's Robin. I can't tell why he's so upset though." Conner's fists were clenched tightly.

"Let's go." Kaldur waves the team forward and they slowly crept towards the sound.

As they neared the room from which the sound came, the crying gradually grew louder and louder.

"Do you guys think Batman hit him?" Kaldur asked.

"Let's see." Artemis pointed to the door which was open a crack.

The room was brightly lit and well furnished. In it was a couch that was probably facing a TV that was out of sight. On the couch were two figures.

"Is that Batman and Robin? I can't tell," asked Wally.

"Yes, now shush!"

"I told you that was the wrong choice, Dick," said Batman chucking.

"Don't laugh," whined Robin. Tears streaked his cheeks.

"I told you that you wouldn't like it." Batman smiled.

"What do you think happened?" Artemis asked in a whisper.

"Maybe Robin messed up and Batman punished him," suggested Conner.

"Robin is not hurt, he is just sad. I think they watched a sad movie," whispered M'gann.

"What? No. That's not right. We already told you M'gann, Batman is bad! Stop trying to rationalize it!" Conner barked.

"Shh." Artemis shushed them.

The team returned their attention to the couch. Now there was a new person in the room. He was an older man with a refined air about him.

"Ahh, I see you two have finished watching Old Yeller," the man said.

"The dog died Alfred!" Robin cried, his voice cracking.

M'gann smirked triumphantly.

Wally gasped, "My heart hurts for that dog."

"I know, but how about we end the night on a happy note. There's still time for one more movie. Why don't you pick out something else and I'll refill the popcorn," said Alfred, picking up a large, empty bowl.

"Yay! Elsa time!" Robin cheered, still sniffling.

After a few moments, Artemis turned away from the door, her expression deadpanned. "Are they serious? This is a joke right!"

"Be quiet! The music is starting!" Wally snapped, referring to the song the ice men sing in the beginning of Frozen.

At that moment, Wally leaned in a bit too much and lost his balance, causing the whole team to tumble through the door with a loud crash. At the sudden noise, Batman stood up and took on a threatening stance. Wally shrieked and ran away, yelling, "Don't suck my blood!"

After registering who had just fallen into his living room, Batman sat back down again and sighed, face palming. After a moment, he looked up. "Please tell Supes to stop sending people after me and that if he wants something from me to just ask. Dick," he said turning to Robin, "you need to stop telling people I'm Dracula! I've told you six times already."

Robin looked sheepish.

Unsure what to do, the team just stood, dumbfounded and silent.

"Well don't just stand there, sit down. Your hot chocolates are getting cold. I've had them ready since you all cane in," Alfred said sternly, crossing his arms.

Conner gulped, threatened by the scary figure of the butler.

"Alfred is being super nice! You should be honored to have his hot chocolate!" Robin said turning back to the screen.

The team continued to stand, petrified and in awe.

"Don't be rude!" Robin chastised. "You didn't even bring food or introduce yourselves. It doesn't matter if we know who you are, it's curtesy. Jeez! Superman must be really impolite!"

Alfred offered them a plate that held several mugs of rich, dark hot chocolate with cute little marshmallows floating on top. Wally didn't need another invitation, he plopped down next to Robin and joined him in singing along to the movie.

Batman rubbed his temples. "You knew they were here the whole time?"

"Yes, sir," answered Alfred. His face looked serious, but his eyes crinkled at their corners, showing his enjoyment of the current predicament.


"I have my ways."

"And those are?"

"My business."

"Of course they are."

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