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"Alright everyone, remember today we're just doing reconnaissance. Do not get involved," Kaldur stated through the mental link that had been established in the minds of the Young Justice team.

"Yeah, we know. You've stressed it like twelve times," whined Wally, vibrating in anticipation. "Let's go already!"

"Just making sure we're all on the same page. We're watching how they patrol, but we are not, again we are not, the ones doing the patrolling," Kaldur said.

"They're in my sights!" M'gann cried. She could see Batman and Robin running on the rooftops of some

"Alright everyone! We need to be stealthy. Batman will notice us if we're not and then we'll just be making things worse. Just take mental notes on what they do and how they act."
"On your left B!" Dick cried as he flew through the air, backflipping onto the rooftop of a bank they were currently saving. It was a cool night and the wind felt refreshing against his skin. A beautiful night for patrolling.

Bruce grunted in response, which was basically 'Thanks so much, I really appreciate it' in Bruce-speak. "I got the last one, let's leave them for Gordon and then where should we go? It's still early and there isn't a bat-signal right now. You can pick this time," Bruce said, tying up an in unconscious goon.

"Umm, let's visit the docks. It's nice today, not raining for the first time in forever."

"Okay, docks it is. Let's patrol the commercial area. It's usually busy."

"Got it. Hey B, check this out!" Dick did an impressive stunt.

"Nice. You need to stop bragging. You know I'm not as flexible as you are," Bruce laughed.

"That's 'cause you're old!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"I'm the adult. What I says goes!"

"Listen to your elders, as they say!"

"I don't think you quite understood what I meant!"

"Or maybe you're just going senile in your old age!"

Bruce made an offended sound, but then laughed.

"I really missed this," Dick mused.

"Yeah, me too chum. Sorry I've been so busy lately. It's just—"

"Everyone at the office besides you is an idiot?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"I understand. Don't worry about it B."

"How'd I end up with you? You're such a good kid." Bruce contemplated.

"Ew! Agent A!" Dick whined into his comms, "B is being all sentimental!"

Bruce just laughed. "Okay let's be serious now." His facial expression returned to its brooding appearance.

"Yeah, let's kick some ass!"

"I did not say that!"
"They seem to like each other just fine. Doesn't look like there's any problem to me," M'gann noted aloud. They were watching Batman and Robin interact and there was no visible tension between the two vigilantes. They were even joking with each other.

"Of course they like each other! You can't live with someone for years and not form some kind of relationship. Batman took his Dad, but he's still the only available father figure around. He has grown to like his capturer. It's called 'Stockholm Syndrome'. If you're going to be stuck with a guy for years, maybe your whole life, would you rather spend your time hating him or becoming friends? I'd pick friends" said Artemis. "Besides, you saw all the horrible things Batman has done. He probably hurts Robin all the time and if Robin's nice to him, it'd probably happen less."

"Batman seems so nice though," M'gann expressed.

"Yeah, well he's not. Okay," Conner snarled. This mission reminded him a lot of how the people at Cadmus had used him. It hit very close to home, and not in a good way.

"I get you don't like this case, but don't take it out on us," Wally said.

"Focus," Kaldur reminded the group.

"They're on the move! I think they're heading towards the waterfront," said Artemis. "For tech, they seem really advanced. Don't know what they're using, but it looks really fancy and expensive."

"Bats is a billionaire, right? He can afford any cool thing he wants! If only the League has that kind of cash!" Wally groaned.

"You wish. They're interrupting a group of goons. Look like mobsters to me," said Artemis.

"Wally, I want you to record them. Remember to not be seen," commanded Kaldur.
Back with the Justice League

"I still can't believe how badly we messed up!" sighed Diana

"Yep. And we're not the ones paying the price, little Richard is! Just look at these! I hacked into his medical files and look what I found," Clark pulled out a packet of papers and handed it to Diana.

"Oh my! Crap! Just-just how? I understand that injuries happen on the job, but these? There's so many injuries and surgeries listed here! Gotham can't be that dangerous!" she exclaimed, staring dumbfounded at the packet which was pull of graphic photographs and descriptions of injuries.

"I don't think all of these come from his night life," Clark voiced.

"You-you think that Batman is hurting him? Like at home? Physically?" Diana felt a sharp pang of guilt and sad in her chest.

"Like you said, Gotham can't be that dangerous."

"Well if that's the case, we have to speed things up. Way up. We have to get him out of there. Faster than what the Young Justice team can make happen. I mean if Wally was... I don't know what I would do," Barry couldn't bear the thought of Wally being in the position that Richard Grayson was in.

"You're right. We've been too lenient already. This needs to end now!"
"Goodnight chum. You did well tonight. Sleep tight," Bruce said tucking Dick into his sheets.

"Night B. We're always going to be together, right? Batman and Robin, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, right?" Dick asked, sleepily.

"Of course! What made you think of that?"

"I don't know, I just got a weird feeling on patrol. I—Never mind. Love you, good night."

"Love you too," Bruce whispered as he silently shut the door.

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