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Lisa's POV
I woke up by someone screaming. I saw Lauren at the end of her bed, with Charles getting closer to her. Dani was still sleeping, oh my god, I don't know how she didn't wake up.

--Charles come here!- I say and he comes and jumps on my bed. I get up and head to Lauren's bed- I'm sorry, he's not used to see you, so he was just curious.

--It's ok, um...- she starts but blushes and looks down- I'm afraid of dogs and cats.

--Why?- I ask curious but holding my laughter.

--I don't... wanna talk about it- she says and I notice she's uncomfortable.

--Hey it's ok,- I say grabbing one of her hands. The electric feeling was there again, but I brushed it off- I won't push you to talk.

--Thanks- she says now looking at me. We end up staring at each other for a long time, but I break eye contact. I won't do it, I can't do it all again.

--We should go downstairs and have some breakfast- I say getting up and walking out the door. I quickly get downstairs to find Katherine making bacon and eggs- Morning Kath.

--Morning Lise- she says smiling at me. I grab a plate and put some eggs and bacon on it and sit down again.

--Oh I forgot I have work today- I say and roll my eyes annoyed.

--Just call in sick- Dani says coming and sitting next to me.

--I can't Dan- I say thinking of my boss, he would kill me if I lied- you know how Chad is.

--Yeah he sucks- she says laying her head on my shoulder. I continue eating until almost everyone was here eating, key word: almost.

--Guys I'm gonna check on Lauren- I say making Dani lift her head up and walking upstairs to find Lauren laying on her bed looking at the ceiling- Hey, aren't you gonna eat?

--What?- she asks turning to me.

--I asked if you were gonna eat?- I repeat.

--I don't know, can I?- she asks with her eyes full of fear.

--Of course you can Lauren!- I say coming closer to her- Look, you live with me and my sisters now, you can do whatever you want. Except kill someone or doing drugs and drinking.

--Ok- she says laughing and after a few seconds, she gets up- I'll have breakfast.

I smile satisfied with myself for getting Lauren to eat. She gets downstairs with me and my sisters turn to see us.

--Morning Lauren- Kath says giving her a plate as she sat down.

--Morning- she says and gives her a cute smile. I look at the time on my phone, dear god I'm not even ready.

--Shit! I'm gonna be late for work!- I say and get up quickly running upstairs to get dressed. I won't do my makeup today because that would take hours. Still, I could hear Christina screaming.

--LANGUAGE!- she screamed making me chuckle softly.

--SORRY!- I scream back. After putting my clothes on really quickly and getting my purse, I put my hair up in a messy bun and run downstairs. I was ready to walk out the door but I was stopped.

--Aren't you forgetting something?- Dani asked making me turn back and walk over to them. I kiss her on her forehead and do this with the rest of my sisters. I get to Lauren and kiss her on the cheek- Bye girls, love you all, see you later.

I was in such a hurry that I didn't realize I gave Lauren a kiss on her cheek. Oh my god, I kissed Lauren on the cheek? My sisters will annoy me for the rest of my life. But hey, it will be worth it, I got to kiss her cheek. Wait, what am I saying? Oh no, this can't happen, I barely even know her... you could say that's love at first sight. But no, it is not, because I'm not in love with her. A little crush? Maybe, but not love. That's impossible right?

--FUCK!- I scream and some people look at me but I couldn't care less.

This is so messed up. I, Lisa Cimorelli, am falling for Lauren Smith, a girl that I found on the streets and know for exactly one day. No, I can't do that. I will put my walls up again, and that's a promise. Why can't my life be easy? Anyways, I finally get to work and try to focus as much as I can, but I obviously know it'll be impossible, so I go to my boss' office.

--Chad- I say knocking at the door making him turn his attention to me- can I please get the day off? I'm not feeling well.

--Sure, go home and rest- he says looking concerned at the sick expression I was faking.

--Thanks- I say and go straight to the elevator. I finally get home and go straight to the couch.

--Lisa?- I hear Dani's voice.

--What?- I turn to her and she seems confused.

--Why are you home?- she asks frowning.

--I'm feeling a bit off- I say and my mind goes back to what happened at breakfast today

--You ok?- she asks now worried.

--Yeah, just a little headache- I say shrugging.

--You should rest a little- Dani says making me get up from the couch.

--Ok jeez Danielle, no need to drag me- I say rolling my eyes playfully.

--I love you too fatso- she says and I go upstairs, but not before showing her my tongue. I finally reach the room and throw myself on my bed. As soon as my head touches the pillow, I fell asleep with a feeling of safety, it was like an angel was watching me, but angels doesn't exist.
Hello, it's mari, sorry for onlt updating now, but i completely forgot haha. So, here it is, enjoy, love y'all

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