| bones.

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« 'Til we both see the light »

this will be a part of us
that you will never read,
for you, B.

this will be a part of usthat you will never read,for you, B

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It's always
me, is it okay?
I understand
how you feel.
Why do you
keep thinking
about being
a soul in
Do you ever feel
the cold heat
your skin?
My lungs are
more empty
than before and
I can't breathe
with the cobwebs.

You keep
being afraid,
of who you are,
of who you have become.

You are scared,
I know,
and me too.

We spent a part of
our lives together,
but I'm terrified
to not hear
your voice,
to be unable
to see you

I miss you
so much.
I have a damned need
to feel you again,
to tie to something
that I don't have
next to me.

You hide from everyone,
denying you
need someone,
but I feel these,

your chills.
They come up
to the bones.
They scream
in silence,

Your body is
Miles of skin
cover what
you want to hide.

Remove your hands
from over your eyes.
Do it for me, I need it.

I feel a pressure in
the trachea:
every day it makes
itself feel

Everything will return
as it was before,
as we had
always desired.

Do you see my bones?
The cracks they have?
I touch them up to
to feel pain:
I hope that's all
in my mind,
but I know they
will stay.

Don't cry for me,
it's not worth it.

Answer me.

Tell me that
you have the dark
in your eyes, too.

I know you want
to leave,
but please don't keep
your life distant
from me.

I'd miss you
too much.
You are a ghost
to everyone
you know.
You didn't touch their souls,
but you said
you were fine,
slowly losing
your light.

Please, remove your hands
from over your eyes.
Do it for me, I need it.

Look at me and
tell me you care,
that you never gave up.
What are your plans for tonight?

I have no intention to
leave you
until we
both see the light.

I will listen to you all day,
I will do it,
I won't give up.
I won't stop sending you
what I have left.
I will convert
your words
in essence.
If you ever come back to me
tell me
you'll be there
and promise me
you will stay.

I will listen to the noise
of my bones
and I will dedicate it
to you.

I will listen to the noise of my bonesand I will dedicate itto you

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-oubaitori , 2019.

this is just an experiment::
there are several errors, I know, but
I wanted to try it. tell me what you think, it's really important. thank you°

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