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Jimins pov

Since jungkook has the guts to go against my orders...I'll just have to punish him so he doesn't go against me again.
I told him to leave...he isn't fit for the war.....so he decided to get the arrow and basically call me an asshole in front of everyone!
I will not allow that!

I walk to jungkook who was sat with his back against the wall on jisungs bed. I smirk "now, since you're like a little kid I'm going to punish you like a little kid"
His eyes widen "you're going to spank me?"
I nod "yes...you act like a brat, you'll be treated like a brat. Here.now"

He gulps "but isn't this against the rules? You're meant to make me run laps if I misbehave....not- AH!"
I cut him off my grabbing his ankles and pulling him to me.

I raise my eyebrow "jeon, I make the rules here. And since you're acting like a brat. I'm going to punish you how I would punish a brat. You're making this worse for yourself"

He doesn't move so I huff "you have five seconds from when I sit down to be led over my thighs, understand me?"
He doesn't look at me.
I smirk and sit down on my bed




Jungkooks pov

I look up at jimin and then sigh....the quicker I do this....the quicker I can leave.....
Plus...it's one punishment....as long as I behave then I won't get punished again....

I stand up and then walk and lay down on his thighs. He chuckles "just in time...good job"
I gasp when he starts to pull my trousers down, I stop him and grab his wrist "w-what are you doing?" He raises an eyebrow "it won't be  spanking you if I'm hitting the fabric of your trousers...I might leave your boxers on...depends if you behave"

I hesitate but let go of his wrist and cover my mouth as tears roll down my cheeks.....I've never broken rules before....this is against the rules....he shouldn't be doing this...
A trainee should never even touch a general in a sexual or sensual way!

I blush when he pulls my trousers down. I wince loudly when he slaps my right ass cheeks.
More tears roll down my cheeks.
He chuckles "you've been bad haven't you?"
I nod "y-yes....i-ill be good....t-this is wrong...."

I try and get away but he slaps my left ass cheek making me wince loudly and stop trying to get away.
He chuckles "I'm not done yet....and I'm sure you went against so many rules before....what's breaking a few more? But also....I make the rules here...so keep quiet"

I whine and then blush bright red when he pulls my boxers down at the back so my member was still covered.
He laughs a little "you've already got a hand print.... you'll get so many bruises in battle...if you mark that easily"
I look at him and he was staring at my ass.

I try and get away "i-ive been punished.... I'll be good...I promise sir..."
I wince loudly "o-ow..." When he spanks me again.
It wasn't too bad with my boxers up....but skin to skin....this is painful.

He chuckles
"That's for going against me"
"That's for trying to show everyone up"
"That's for calling me an asshole in front of everyone"
"That's for calling your puppy jimin"
"And that was.....for fun"

He pulls my boxers back up and trousers and sits me on the floor in front of him "you have multiple hand prints on your ass.....make this a reminder" he grabs my chin to make me look at him "don't go against me again, understand me?" I nod "y-yes sir"

He scoffs "so weak....you won't survive in battle"
He walks out the cabin leaving me alone.

I look down and then stand up and rub my butt wincing "owie....that really hurt.....
The door opens and I smile when chimmy runs in and nuzzles my leg.

Yoongi  walks in "hey kook, what did he do?"
I blush a little "he just yelled at me.... nothing else"
He shuts the door "he spanked you didn't he?"
I nod "it really hurts...."

Yoongi chuckles "I assumed he'd do that to you....that kid always goes against the rules..."
I tilt my head "he's spanked other trainees?" Yoongi shakes his head "no...only you.....I guess you're just special...."

I huff "I don't want to be special....it's painful"
Yoongi laughs a little "I assumed that.... anyways....all the other trainees can't know what he did" I nod "I know....I don't know why he did it in the first place...."

Yoongi shrugs "dunno....he said before-"
He gets cut of by jimins yelling "EVERYONE OUTSIDE NOW!!! TRAINING HAS BEGUN!!!"
I sigh "I'll speak to you later hyung!"

I run out the cabin with chimmy and stand next to Minho who looks at me "you alright?" I nod "he yelled at me.... nothing new...."
Minho nods "sounds about right.... taehyung betted 10$ that he spanked you....now Tae owes me 10$"

I roll my eyes "you're all so silly..."
I jump when jimin grabs my wrist pulling me forward "silly huh? You wanna share what's silly with the rest of us?", I gasp and blush deeply and then shake my head "n-no sir...."
He smirks "good....now EVERYONE, LAPS UNTIL I SAY STOP!"

We all start to run laps. I run next to jin who tilts his head "dude what's up with you and jimin? So much more tension then before you went into the cabin"
Taehyung speeds up and runs the other side of me "did you two fuck?"

I shake my head "no, of course not! That would be against the rules...."
Taehyung chuckles "park jimin is known for braking rules...."
I roll my eyes "no, all he did was yell at me....nothing new"

Taehyung Huff's "I owe so many people 10$"
I giggle and then speed up a little so I'm running alone with chimmy.

Why would jimin ONLY spank me?! I'm not the only one who misbehaves!....does he hate me that much? That I have to have special treatment?

I wish I could read his mind....why did he do that.....my ass hurts so much.....why did he do it?!

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