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Jeon jungkook is getting ready to leave to go to the army, however his parents aren't willing to let him go, he is their only Child and they are worried he'll be killed

Jungkooks pov

"Appa please! You were injured! I want to kill whoever hurt you!"
My dad sighs "jungkook I don't want you risking your life just because of my little wound!" I scoff "Appa you can't walk! You're wheelchair bound for the rest of your life!....eomma please tell him I have to go!"

My mum sighs "jungkook....we don't want to lose you....people who go to the army dont come back....we can't risk losing our only child....you're our beautiful son...and we don't want to lose you" I sigh and turn to her, she has tears rolling down her cheeks, I sigh and wipe her tears "don't cry eomma"

She puts her hand on my cheek "please be safe jungkook.... promise me you'll come home....write to me every day....and I'll be right here when you return....be careful son" I smile "I will eomma....I promise"

She smiles "you'll miss your train... You should go" I look at my dad who sighs "good luck son.... we'll be here waiting for you to return" I smile and hug them both "I'll be home soon....I'll write every day I promise!" They both nod, I grab my bag and wave "bye!" They both smile and wave "goodbye"

I run out "come on jimin!" (Aha yes I forgot to mention! I have a small puppy called jimin) he runs to me,I pick him up and kiss his head "come on puppy we have to go" I put him in my bag, he pokes his head out the top.i run to the train station and buy a ticket

I hear the speakers say "EVERYONE GET ON BOARD!!!" I gasp and hand the man my ticket and get on the train, I find an empty seat and sit down, it was by the window, I hold my bag in my lap and stroke jimin "we're gonna be amazing, aren't we puppy" he woofs and nuzzles my hand

I giggle and then jump when someone sits opposite me, I keep my gaze on jimin and then hand him one of his treats, he then climbs out my bag and curls up on my lap....I'm so happy dogs are allowed on the train, I sigh and put my bag on the floor, I look out the window and stroke jimin

A deep voice intturrupts my train of thought "your dog Is so cute....what's its name?" I look up to see the man in front of me looking back at me, I blush a little "his name is jimin..." The man smiles "he's so cute...can I pet him?" I nod "of course"

The man moves next to me and strokes jimin, jimin looks at him and then lays back down, I smile. The man chuckles "im Kim seokjin by the way....you can just call me Jin" I nod and look at him "im jeon jungkook....you can call me jungkook or kook...I dont mind"

He smiles "so why you on a train all alone? You're only like 12" I look at him "um....I'm 19..." His eyes widen "oh I'm so sorry! You look so young!" I giggle "it's okay...I take it as a compliment....so thank you....but I'm here on my way to train for the army" he gasps "no way...I'm going to the same place....but I'm training to be a doctor there....my eomma works there so I already have a headstart..."

I nod "lucky....my dad was in the army....but he got shot and is now wheelchair bound....so I'm here to make him proud" he nods and then looks at me "wait....jeon....as in jeon min-jun?! The best general ever?!!" I giggle and nod "yeah that's my Appa...he refused to teach me anything though....too protective"

Jin chuckles "well I mean I would be if my child was going to war where I had been shot" I nod "I really want to make him proud" Jin smiles "you will.....but If I were you I'd stay away from some other trainees....I know almost everyone there.... and most the trainee's will bully you"

I gulp and look at jimin "is he allowed to stay with me?" Jin nods "yeah...just make sure he doesn't get in anyone's way" jimin sits up and looks out the window, I sigh "are the generals nice??" Jin shrugs "depends how you describe a nice person...."

I look down "I see...." Jin tilts his head "are you scared jungkook??" I shrug "I guess I am....a little.....I promise my parents that id be home in one piece...but I'm not sure if I can keep that promise.....im the clumsiest person ever" Jin sighs "that's not really great for being a soldier.... but all you have to remember is your parents believe in you and are expecting their baby boy to come home... especially your father... he'll be proud of you... you'll be a hero just like him"

I look at him and smile "thank you Jin....I'm really glad I met you" he nods "same here bunny" I tilt my head "bunny???" He nods "you have a bunny smile....you remind me of my bunny rabbit...you can meet him actually....it's with my mother.... he's a  black rabbit...he's adorable". I giggle "he sounds cute" Jin nods "he is... almost as cute as jimin" I giggle more and look at jimin who was on his hind legs looking out the window

I look out the window to see dead land and trees, no sign of life anywhere. I pout "it looks dead" Jin nods "because it is....all this land is dead...it's where you'll be doing most of your training.... you'll do a 10 mile walk and then do an obstacle course and then you'll do laps of that field...no offence but I'm not 100% sure you'll cope"

I look at him "why won't I cope?" He laughs "Jungkook you're a short bunny boy, you have no muscle....you may be althletic but you need to have muscle and you'll have to climb things so you need to be tall....I'll be surprised if you make it one year"

I gulp and look at jimin who was looking back at me, I sigh and stroke him "we'll be okay puppy" he nuzzles my hand......I didn't realize how hard this is.....

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