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Jimins pov

"SIR! SIR!!!"
I turn around to see IN,Felix and Minho running to me. I nod "yes?"
Felix gasps "somebody is crying"
I tilt my head "where?"
They point to my groups tent

I walk over to the tent and open it and look around.
I hear someone whimpering and sniffing.
My eyes scan over the room and they stop on the floor.
There was a bundle of blankets.

I sigh and crouch down and poke the blankets "who is this?"
The pile moves and they sit up and looks at me with tear stained cheeks

I sigh and crouch down and poke the blankets "who is this?" The pile moves and they sit up and looks at me with tear stained cheeks

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I tilt my head and then sit down "jeon......what's wrong?" He quickly wipes his eyes "s-sorry....I'm late? I'll get changed and I'll be out"
I shake my head "no....tell me what's wrong"
He looks at me and then looks down "it's nothing sir....I'm just being a crybaby"

I see more tears roll down his cheeks. His dog curls up in his lap. I hesitate but wipe his tears "tell me what's wrong"
He looks at me "I miss my parents...."

I tilt my head "you're homesick...." He nods and more tears fall "it's stupid really....it's just....you said I'd never survive in battle.....I promised my parents I'd come home....if I don't Survive....then-"
I cut his sentence off and nod "I understand"

He looks down at the dog in his lap and strokes it "maybe you're right sir...I'm not fit for the army.....I never should've left home"
I sigh and move the dog off his lap and pull him into my lap. He grips my shirt and cries more.

I rub his back "you're strong jeon....I know what I said about you not being able to survive....what I meant was.... we need more training.....you're one of the best.....don't put yourself down......everyone gets homesick....you're not alone....look....grab your things and go to my cabin....Jisung should be in there"

My eyes widen a little when I hear faint snores. I look at Jungkook and smile a little. He fell asleep.
I carefully stand up and hold him in my arms not waking him up.

I walk out the tent. The other trainees look over at us and start whispering, I look around "he is ill! Don't think anything else....he wont be doing any training for now....I expect you all to respect that and treat him nicely and kindly", they all nod. I smirk "now...get his things and put them outside my cabin"

They all walk into the tent to get his stuff. I walk to my cabin and walk in to see Jisung and yoongi in there sat on jisungs bed.
I lay jungkook down on my bed but he doesn't let go of me. I chuckle a little and then sit down on my bed with him on my lap. I wrap my arms around him.

Jisung smirks "that's definitely against rules..." I huff "he's homesick....he was curled up under blankets crying"
Yoongi raises an eyebrow "when I was homesick you told me, and I quote to man the fuck up your Papa and Mama will visit soon and bring your diapers for you",

I nod "and they did, didn't they?....well....they visited...." Yoongi nods "you didn't cuddle me like a baby" I look at Jungkook "he's doing something to me....and I don't like it"
Jisung smirks "we assumed you liked him after you spanked him and came out the cabin smirking"

I roll my eyes "I simply punished him....what's wrong with that?",
Yoongi shrugs "oh I don't know....you spanked him? That's against the rules"  I huff "shut up..."

Jungkook grips my shirt harder and smiles.
I bite my lip a little

He's definitely not built for the army.....but he's built to be someone's boyfriend......
I don't want him to get hurt in battle....I somehow need to stop him going into battle with us....I don't want him hurt or scared.

Just why.....why did such a pure and beautiful soul walk into my life and make my life so much harder....
This is going against so many rules......I shouldn't be doing this....

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