Paintball Deer Hunter (Noah x Cody)

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The one where Noah saves Cody from a bear attack.

It was a sunny day at Camp Wawanakwa; the perfect type of day for filming a reality T.V. show. For a summer day, the temperature was not as terrible as it previously had been. Not too many clouds were in sight as birds chirped happily and a slight breeze drifted through the windows of the cabins. From the beach, seagulls squawked as they searched for their first meal of the day, a soft tide brushing onto the shore.

It was ironic, how balanced the environment currently seemed, despite the many hidden cameras placed around the island. It wasn't like Chris McLean cared though, business was business and the idea of Total Drama Island made him money. But not just money for him, no. There was also one-hundred grand at stake for the current teenagers snoozing in their cabins.

The campers snored softly, dreaming about anything other than doing a challenge. Except for Noah, who had been awake for about an hour now. The bookworm didn't know what time it was, but was assuming it was roughly seven or eight. He let out a soft yawn, nose in a book that he had read a couple of times. Then again, it wasn't like there was anything else for him to do.

Regardless, Noah felt his stomach twist as he realized what day it was. It had been three days since the previous challenge that Chris had put them through. The sounds of nature were far too peaceful with how in just a few hours, Chris' madness would spread throughout the camp. Of course, the momentary peace Noah was grateful for was soon disrupted, by none other than the host that he and the other campers had grown to despise.

Chris flew around in a helicopter, giving a thumbs up at a camera once it was in view. In the Bass cabins, Duncan jumped out of bed in fear. "Oh, hit the deck! They're coming, man! They found us!" He shouted, awakening the rest of his team. Meanwhile, in the Gophers cabins, Leshawna was the first one to jolt upwards, hitting her head on the top of her bunk.

After the girl yelped in pain, she rubbed her temple. "Aw, okay! That dude is really starting to get on my last nerve!" She complained. Heather yawned, unfazed by the madness around her. "Whatever, he just loves ruining our mornings!" She complained. "Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the showers for me!" She instructed to her two pawns. "Now!" Heather said louder when neither girl moved. "And remember-"

"Not too hot this time, I know." Beth complained with a yawn. Later, all the girls waited outside of the communal bathroom as Heather was taking way too long to get ready. "What's the hold up?" Bridgette asked towards the front of the line. "Heather needs her private time." Lindsay answered with a frown.

"How long is Queenie gonna be in there? I got urgent business!" Leshawna stated. "She could still be awhile." Beth said, frown evident on her face as well. "Urgh! That's it! I'm going lumberjack style!" Gwen said, stepping out of line and heading for the woods. Suddenly, the loudspeakers cut over as Chris' obnoxious voice rang throughout the rundown, pathetic excuse of a summer camp.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet! Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit!" He instructed. In the Gopher's cabins, Cody hopped down from his top bunk, smiling at Noah as he sat up on the lower bunk. Of course, Cody knew Noah had been awake for a few hours. Noah was not only an early bird, but the youngest of nine. He was practically wired to be a light sleeper.

"What do you think the challenge is going to be?" Cody asked, changing into his clothes. Noah closed his book, getting out of bed and doing the same. "No idea. Let's hope it isn't too physical." He replied, pulling up his cargo shorts before slipping his shirts over his head. Cody chuckled at that. It was no secret that Noah hated physical activity.

"I mean, Chris did say it's going to be the most challenging challenge yet. Odds are, a lot of movement will be involved." Cody joked. Noah rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said, standing up as both boys had finally finished getting ready. "Hey, Noah?" Cody asked suddenly. Noah's hand was on the door handle, but he pulled it off.

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