Movie Night (Noah x Trent)

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and they were roommates ! (it originally wasn't romantic but... i changed it and now it kind of is? it's basically just fluff. gwent is mentioned- so is nemma) without further ado...

The one where Trent has to cancel his plans and settle for a night in with his roommate.

"I'm sorry, you want me to what?" The complaint had left Noah's lips before he even had fully processed what Trent said. He had been so buried in his book that he hadn't even noticed Trent was in the same room as him until his friend started talking. All he heard was "watch" and "dog" and "please?" and before he knew it, Trent was giving him puppy dog eyes. Puppy dog eyes didn't work on Noah, but he did have a secret soft spot for his friends. Emphasis on secret.

With a huff, Noah shut his book. "You know I hate that... thing." The Indian-Canadian boy replied, dramatically shivering as he eyed the freshly-adopted chihuahua. The poor dog wasn't even ugly, Trent had just given her a bath the other day. The chihuahua blinked at Noah, tilting her head to the side out of pure curiosity. Needless to say, Noah still didn't find it cute.

Noah had never expected to move into an apartment with Trent of all people. Yet, Trent proved to be a pretty good roommate. Noah needed help paying bills and after splitting from Gwen a few months ago, Trent decided moving in with Noah seemed like a decent choice. Of course, the two were already getting back together, but that was beside the point. Their apartment was spotless for the most part, except for Trent's room which was still quite neat. His nine guitars were gathered near each other, some hung on his walls while the others were on standees.

Somehow, the odd pair had managed to grow closer after the Ridonculous Race, shortly after he and Emma broke up. It was definitely awkward when Noah had told Emma he was gay, but he didn't want to embarrass her on international television. He was cruel, but nowhere near that cruel.  And of course one of the first things Trent did when they moved in together, was impulsively adopting a dog. They had been roommates for nearly three months now and it still hadn't grown on him.

Noah's golden lab shoved his head against his hand. Smiling fondly, he went back to petting her. "That thing is my dog." Trent said, tone growing stern. He was protective of his dog and never knew how much Noah would hate the poor pup, seeing as much as he adored his own. "That thing is not a dog, it's a rat." Noah stated simply, annoyance soon fading into happiness, giggling as his dog began licking his face.

If any other dog tried licking Noah's face, he'd throw a fit. But his golden lab Sandy was his baby. Trent arched an eyebrow at the strange sight. His best friend in front of him laying against a couch with a massive dog showering him in love. And not only that, but Noah had giggled. "Did you just giggle..?" He questioned, feeling something odd in the pit of his own stomach. He didn't know what it was. Noah chose to ignore Trent, causing the guitar player to roll his eyes.

"Cmon, Noah... please! I won't be out for too long, it's just a date." Trent pleaded, causing Noah to take his attention from his pooch to his friend. "Just a date with Gwen," Noah corrected. "You'll be out with her for hours. You were crazy about her when we were on the island... Don't even get me started on season two. Plus you guys are always on and off. I give it a month before you both head to Splitsville."

Of course, Trent knew this was true, but he had also had a few years to change. A few years to now prove to Gwen that he was better. "You shouldn't have to change for someone." Noah stated, as if he was reading Trent's mind. Trent's snapped out of his Gwen daze and noticed Noah smirking, not realizing the room getting lighter. "What?" Trent asked, still oblivious.

Noah chuckled. "Look out the window, Casanova. It's snowing hard. You're going to have to reschedule." He said simply, pouting as his dog removed herself from his lap and went to go lounge elsewhere. Trent gaped as snow begun to fall harder and harder, phone vibrating with a text from Gwen. Noah wasn't jealous, he just wanted the best for Trent. Was that really such a crime? Noah knew Trent could do better than Gwen. Trent's attractive, talented; anyone can see that. He's had many admirers after all, but has always been so hung up on Gwen.

Noah noticed the slight frown on Trent's face. He was attempting to hide it but failing miserably. Although Noah wasn't one to show affection, he held back a dramatic sigh as he patted the vacant seat cushion next to him. Noah definitely wasn't happy about Gwen rescheduling, but did think it was for the better. It gave Trent time to reconsider. Trent had become a mess over Gwen and the whole world had witnessed it on television. Maybe she just wasn't the one.

It didn't take long for Trent to get the message of Noah's gesture, propping himself down next to Noah as he laid his head on his friend's shoulder. "This sucks." He whined. Noah chuckled, unintentionally running his fingers through Trent's hair. "I know." He said, knowing that somehow it would be enough.

Trent knew saying cheesy something would probably ruin the moment, but he just couldn't help himself. He loved cheesy. "At least I get to spend time with my favorite person!" He said, causing Noah to roll his eyes as he stopped running his fingers through Trent's hair, leading Trent to frown. Then again, Trent knew he'd have to face the consequences of his actions.

"Why do you always have to ruin the moment?" Noah questioned as he always did. Killing the moment was Trent's brand. Noah figured that's probably why things didn't work out with Gwen, but he'd never tell Trent that. Trent shrugged, leaning back as he folded his hands behind his head. "No idea..." He said, trailing off. "You wanna watch a movie?" He suggested.

And yet, despite preferring books over movies, Noah didn't have the heart to say no. Today just wasn't working out for Trent and although he gave him shit for asking to watch his dog, Noah still would have. "Sure." Noah replied, ruffling Trent's hair. "I'll get snacks." He headed for the small but neat kitchen, grabbing some M&Ms and pouring them into a bowl. Noah looked back at Trent on the couch, watching him carelessly flip through movies for a moment.

Smiling softly at the boy's innocence, he separated the green M&Ms from the rest because according to Trent, "the green ones taste better," when in reality green was just his favorite color. He poured the green ones into cups, separating them by groups of nine.

Noah knew how bad Trent's OCD could get and with his mood already slightly sour from a cancelled date with Gwen, he wanted to do what he could to cheer up his friend even if it was by doing something tedious. And although he'd never say that to Trent, Trent one-hundred percent got the message.

Returning to the couch with their M&Ms, Noah couldn't help but smile at Trent's excitement for the candy. After thanking him, Trent practically downed the first cup before moving onto the second... And Noah thought Cody was a candy addict.

The two had managed to find a comfortable position, one that was a bit closer and slightly awkward, but it was still comfortable. Trent's head laid on Noah's shoulder as his long legs draped over his friend's. A blanket covered them both and their dogs sat beneath them, dozing off peacefully.

Regardless, Trent wasn't surprised that Noah had managed to fall asleep halfway through the movie. Noah always passed out midway through, seeing as he was an early bird. What did surprise him however, was the sight of Noah not only cuddling his lab, but also his own chihuahua that Trent had yet to name.

He didn't remember when Sandy and Rosie, a name he decided on when he was half asleep but found fitting, managed to wedge their way in between them, but what Trent did know was that he and Noah were no longer cuddling as two dogs had managed to take his place. Not that he was hurt, however, seeing as things were strictly platonic between the two of them. He wondered if that would ever change. Noah had been trying to get him to move on from Gwen, was there an ulterior motive?

The thought faded as Trent noticed Rosie's tiny head peaking out from beneath Noah's arm as it rested on his slim thigh. Maybe it was the way the light from the movie hit Noah's face, or the drowsiness setting in for Trent as well, but Trent definitely also didn't fail to notice the hint of a smile on Noah's face.

So much for Noah not liking Trent's dog. And so much for Trent wanting to be with Gwen. He had everything he needed right in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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