Chapter 3 : Wasted Nights

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Must be something in the water
Feel like I can take the world
Throw the weight up on my shoulders
'Cause I won't even feel the burn~

Don't be afraid to dive
Be afraid that you didn't try
These moments remind us why
We're here, we're so alive~

Let's live like we're immortal
Maybe just for tonight
We'll think about tomorrow (yeah) when the sun comes up~

'Cause by this time tomorrow
We'll be talking 'bout tonight
Keep doing what we want, we want, we want
No more wasted nights~

"Holy fucking shit, guys! You fucking did it again." Andrei, Diatonic's manager, screamed at my face right after the mind blowing performance.

Yes, it was just so mind blowing for us. I could never get used to the crowd's reaction as we performed our music on stage. It was just so amazing. It feels surreal.

I gave him an ear splitting grin as he hugged us one by one.

"Fuck! You guys are just so fucking amazing." He complimented again.

"Thanks, man." Dustin, our guitarist, answered as he was the last one to receive the hug.

"Come on, man. It's not like we weren't here last Friday. You should really stop feeding our ego." We laughed at Mace's comment. He's our drummer and Caden, who is yet to give a comment, is our bassist. But I know he was feeling the same way, still drunk from our performance.

"I know. Don't make me regret taking you guys in." We bursted into laughter, still feeling the hype. Andrei then looped his arms around me and Dustin. "Let's go get some drinks, shall we?"

As usual, Andrei gave us free drinks. Unlimited I might add. I settled for a non alcoholic drink since it's a school day tomorrow and it's Monday. I certainly don't want to drag my drunk butt to class.

I maintained a distance from the guys in hopes that they'll leave me alone for a moment and let me enjoy my drink. They always manage to let me get drunk on a Sunday night and I seriously do not want that right now. Not when I vaguely remember a certain professor mentioning a test on Monday. I groaned. Shit.

"Drinking alone, I see."

I gasped in shock as the voice feathered in my ear. I immediately turned and jumped back while I saw the intruder.


"Ahh." My eyes widened. My mouth had a difficulty in closing. My throat dried.

Double fuck.

He held a spark of amusement in his eyes and a hint of bewilderment. If I know any better, it was because I was in utter shock.

I cleared my throat as I bobbed my Adam's apple up and down.

He knew who I was. He recognized me. How the hell did he manage to find out?

"Hey..." I greeted awkwardly. "Can I... help you?" As I try to act like I don't recognize him.

A smirk played across his face. A mischievous one.


"What game are you playing... Kyree?"



He made sure to highlight my name. My heart began to drum wildly and from the looks of his face, he knew I was acting.

"I... I'm not playing anything." He raised his brow in disbelief, challenging me to keep continuing my act.

I sighed heavily. "How did you know?" I paused. "How did you know it was me?" I said breathily, feeling defeated and embarrassed.

He chuckled. "Your voice gave it away. The rest fell into place."

My head snapped back to look at him. I frowned, bemused. If that was true, he was the first to figure out who I was. But that was impossible. No one managed to figure out. No one was able to recognize me. I made sure to conceal my identity. My voice wouldn't simply just gave it away.

"Did someone tell you who I was?" I asked almost in panic as I took a step towards him.

Remi and Mila wouldn't drop my identity to just anyone just like that. I trust the both of them my life.

He smirked as he took in my frantic state. "You look scared, babe. You don't want anyone to find out who you are?" He was teasing but I felt a weight from his words. There was meaning and it's making my heart race in a fucking bad way.

I took a step again, almost lungeing at him. "Please don't tell anyone." I said almost begging.

"Is there a reason not to?" He asked with a raised brow. A playful smirk was displayed on his lips as he looked down on me. He was very tall and had muscles contouring in his shirt. He was bigger than Remi. And Remi was a hunk. He goes to the gym when he can and he's proud of his body. I wondered if he was the same.

"Just please." I begged him again.

He grinned. He grinned mischievously. My heart jumped almost out of my chest. This could not be good. "I'll think about it."

That's when I knew that we were totally wrong about him. This man has his own facade.

"Kai!" One of my bandmates called. I turned to see it was Mace calling me. Everyone was waiting for me at the table. I could see a smirk on Caden's lips knowing I could never escape from them tonight. "What are you doing over there? Come here and drink with us."

I nodded at them. "Yeah. I'll be there!" I opened my mouth to speak to Keelan, begged him over and over again if I could but he wasn't there when I turned.

I'm fucking screwed.

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