Chapter 10

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The week went by so fast it was already the day of our camping trip. I haven't had enough sleep since we had a gig last night. I was able to sleep for three hours and had to wake up at 3am so I could go to our meeting place which is the frat house.

I was the first one to arrive so I let myself feel at home and sunk myself on the living room's couch. Rems was already awake. He greeted me before resuming preparing everything to bring. His friends that were coming were also awake too. I told Rems to wake me up when he's done and everyone's already here.

I can feel someone shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes to see it was Mila.

"Hey, babe. Everything's set. We're good to go."

"Wow. Am I the only who died?"

Mila giggled. "Apparently, yes but understandable. Let's go." She pulled my hand and helped me up.

I saw the rest standing beside the two cars, an SUV and Rems' pick up. I realised they were all waiting for me. I felt sheepish and guilty as I walked over to Remi.

I smacked his arm. "I told you to wake me up when you're done." I whisper yelled at him.

"Ow! We are done and Mila woke you." I rolled my eyes as I smacked him again. I could hear a string of curses as I opened the door to his car and got inside.

"You're evil." He stated before closing the door.

Not a moment later, Mila got inside the passenger's side and Remi on the driver's side. The door to the seat beside me opened and I saw Keelan coming in. My eyes widened for a bit before looking away. He sat beside me and closed the door. His friend must have been in the other car.

After our date was cancelled, he never approached me again. Not even a talk or a glance my way. Not a single eye contact. I see him in the hallways every day. He was always with a girl, although they weren't always the same girls. Sometimes he's surrounded by his admirers. They're talking and laughing. I hate to admit it but I was looking from afar. I could always sense him and no matter how much I averted, I always managed to look in his way.

I don't know what happened. I don't know why he's suddenly cold and ignoring me but I'm pretty sure a cancelled date would have motivated him to pursue me more.

I sighed. I should be happy that he wasn't bugging me anymore but the risk is still there. He knows who I am. What if he's angry at me and he'll spill my secret to everyone. I know behind that kind and Prince charming facade, he has hidden tricks up his sleeves and he always does something that made me obey him wordlessly.

I was woken up by someone shaking me again.

"Just carry me, Mila." I groaned.


"Remi." I groaned as I realized it was owned by a man's voice. I hugged him and inhaled his scent. I have always loved Remi's and Mila's scent. They were both comforting.

I frowned when I realized it was a different scent. My eyes opened wide as I backed off realizing it wasn't Remi. Keelan stared at me blankly. I was stunned by what I've done and probably what I've been doing the whole time I was sleeping. I love to cuddle and I was a hugger whenever I'm sleeping. It didn't matter who or what it was, I found solace and warmth in whoever and whatever my victim was.

"I'm sorry." I said awkwardly.

"It's okay. Let's go. We're the only ones who haven't gone out." He said softly.

The change in the way he talks to me didn't go unnoticed. He was always so playful, always teasing me. In his eyes there would be a glint of mischievousness and I would get nervous thinking what plan was running in his head. He enjoyed teasing me, keeping my toes off the ground. Now... now, he's acting so nice. Just plain nice and a bit distant which is so obvious. I guess I'll just get used to it.

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