Chapter 25

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"What? No, that came out wrong. What I meant was. I love you. I mean I really like you. I mean you know. Like I love chocolates. You know what I mean…" I trailed off after rambling nonstop. His face was still shocked.

Okay~ That's just fucking embarassing.

He then let out a small smile and lifted himself up from our intimate position. "I know." He chuckled. "If you're that shocked, I'm doubting the truth now." My mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. I was still beyond surprised with the sudden confession my mouth unexpectedly and embarrassingly spilled. "But I guess we can start with “I love you like a chocolate"." I blushed as I averted my sight from him. He laughs even more and kisses my cheek.

“I wanna ask you something.”

I turned to him. “Since when do you actually ask permission?” He chuckled.

He paused for a while before blurting out his question. “The song…fell in love with the devil, was it?” I blushed even more. “We all know that the only devil here is me.”

I was blushing so much and Keelan was relishing at the fact that he was the reason. He opened his mouth to say something again but I cut him off. “No! Shut up!” I covered my eyes and closed it. Keelan bursts in laughter. I know he’s going to say something that will feed his ego even more. He’s going to rub it in my face, especially now that I confessed. Speaking of confession.

I turned to him as I remembered something. "I have a confession to make."

He smirked playfully. "Oh? Two confessions tonight? I'm on a roll." He gave his joke a chuckle.

I blushed, embarrassed at just the thought. "Remember Darren West?"

He ponders. "The talent manager that you mentioned who was offering your band a contract?"

"Yes, him." He nodded for me to continue. "Well, he came to visit Diatonic. He expected the band would be there but I was the only one there instead. I guess it was favorable for him since he had other plans. He wanted me to accept his offer alone. He said if I accept, he'll make me famous all over the world. He'll make sure that everyone in the world knows who I am. He said my friends will only hold me back." Keelan's eyebrows creased as he listened to me. "I got mad. I even told him who I am. I told him if I wanted to rule the world I could have used my family name and my connections." I blushed for the incoming confession. "I told him that if my family wouldn't support it, my boyfriend would make sure of it. My boyfriend who was Stefano Ranallo's brother-in-law."

I got redder and redder as the words gradually were out of my mouth. But Keelan just gave me his biggest grin he ever made.

"Boyfriend?" I could almost see dog ears perking up on his head and a tail wagging behind him.

"That's not the point. I just used Avery's husband's name because I was trying to be arrogant." I exclaimed. I'm getting frustrated because he was only paying attention to the word boyfriend.

"So I am your boyfriend despite you acting like you hated me." He was still annoyingly grinning.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes. He just laughed. He then lunged at me and hugged me. I squealed from his sudden gesture. He kissed both of my red cheeks. "I told you I'm still sick. Get off of me!" I scolded as I pushed him away by the chest. He kept rubbing his nose on my cheek instead.

"I mean it, Keelan. Stop it! I'm going to ignore you if you get sick." He finally pulled away. He was still wearing his annoying grin.

"I love you like a chocolate." He said softly. I turned away, hiding my blush. I pulled my blanket over me for the second time. Keelan chukled.

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