Kiryu Kuro // Heated Kisses

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Kiru Kuro + Heated Kisses for @MochiMochiPanda


There was a sense of urgency from the way your lips met and pressed against each other, fervently meeting in an unrivaled passion as both of your hands grasped at whatever fabric and skin that the other could reach in an attempt to ground yourselves. You tugged at his hair and snaked your arms around his neck. Likewise, Kuro’s own ran down from your nape to the small of your back, pressing you closer to his toned chest as his other lightly gripped your thigh. You were barely giving each other time to breath until Kuro’s tongue swiped against your lower lip and he pulled away teasingly, watching you with a knowing smirk as you followed his lips with an open mouth.

“Any longer than that and you’d pass out little lady.” He chuckled deeply, thumb caressing your cheek as you mustered a small pout.

“If you were going to pull away then don’t tease.”

Kuro muttered a half-hearted apology, softly pecking your lips to make up for his earlier teasing.

A soft shade of red adorned your cheeks, one that didn’t go unnoticed by the fiery haired male even as you desperately tried to hide the flush in your cheeks, averting your gaze from his own as if it would shield you from his view.

“..Red is a good color on you.” He chided, caressing your flushed cheek with his thumb.

You were about to retort, a snide remark already on the tip of your tongue when Kuro’s phone suddenly rang, Keito’s number flashing on the screen. Kuro picks up after another ring, pressing the receiver to his ear while his hand busies itself drawing small comforting circles on your waist.

“Meet me at the cafeteria in ten minutes. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you and Kanzaki in person.”

He’s leaving? Your shoulders drooped in disappointment as Kuro voices out an affirmation before hanging up. He glances at you for a moment, deciding to drop a soft peck on your lips as an apology.

“I can drop by your place later on after our meeting.”


Kuro chuckled then linked his pinky with yours.


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