Self realization

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Self realization

Are self-actualization and self-realization the aims of human life? Many will be unanimous on this subject. 'Self-actualization need' has been given an important place in Maslow motivation theory.
Vedanta is the study of self-realization and yoga is the path to attain self-realization.
Truth is the one but the path to attain that can be different, so through different kinds of yoga we are able to attain self-realization.
In the yogic culture Lord Shiva is known as the 'Adi Guru' or the Adi Yogi. He had first shown the path to self-realization through yoga and meditation.
It is not in our materialistic world but in our internal world where the direction to real happiness lies. It is possible to experience that through yoga and meditation. When we will be able to realise our true selves and the existence of God within ourselves then we shall not have any sorrow of any unfulfillment.
If we can see God everywhere, in every creature then we will be able to love everyone selflessly. He who loves others, serves God. The real happiness that is found in this love cannot be found in any material thing of the outside materialistic world.
Adi Shankaracharya had defined the four religious places, had spread Hinduism again, had explained Advaita Vedanta philosophy and had shown the path to Moksha. He had said that the world is false and that only God is the truth. In the Advaita Vedanta philosophy he has shown us the path of salvation from all kinds of sorrow and unhappiness. That path is yoga and meditation.
Yoga is not only exercise or posture. Yogasana is actually preparing oneself for meditation. Then, through meditation realisation of one's own self and realisation of the existence of God within the self is possible.
Through different types of yoga we can attain self-realization. The four primary types of yoga are Jnana yoga, Raja yoga, Bhakti yoga and Karma Yoga. Another two important types of yoga are Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga. Through yoga we can form union with the Brahman, that is Absolute Reality.
The path to salvation through Ashtanga yoga depicted in Patanjali and Yoga Sutra is the best. We can call it the Raja yoga. That Ashtanga yoga is Yana (abstinence), Niyaka (observance), Asana (posture), Pranayam (breathing) Pratyahara (withdrawal), Dhavana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption).
Yoga can be explained through Samkhya philosophy as the union of the male, that is consciousness and nature, that is matter from which this universe has been created. This universe is made up of the five elements. These five elements in turn are made up of the three qualities which are the three basic elements - Sattva, Raja and Tama.
Through yoga and meditation the quality of Sattva develops and the influence of the quality of Tama gradually decreases. Then we can feel the true self within us and feel within us Brahman, that is Absolute reality.
This way yoga and meditation to attain self-realization. The Bodhidharma has also shown the path of attending self-realization through martial arts and meditation. Now it is popular in many countries of the world. We can call martial arts as another form of yoga also.

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