i cant wait

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Lunas POV
I woke up to an angry Rosalie yelling at Edward I go to the bathroom and do my stuff then head downstairs to see what all the yelling was about. I sat with jasper and he gave me a tender kiss on the head and a small kiss on the belly "what's going on" I asked him "Rosalie is yelling at him for having a poor choice in women" he tells me cuddling me "I do not have poor taste in women jasper Bella is a great girl and she's very nice she just was trying to win Alice over" Edward said trying to defend her and of course there is no point in doing that "oh please Edward give it a break there are better ways to win someone over but calling someone a cow is not one of them" Rosalie said very angry look on her face "ok she made a mistake everyone does" Edward yet again tried to defend this time I had enough and I looked at Layla who was being comforted by Esme "Edward I feel nothing but happiness for you my son but this time I have to take Rosalie's side. If you want to be with Bella you can just please dont bring her here" i heard Carlisle say as he walk down the stairs "but Carlisle it was one time she made a mistake" Edward said and i got mad i stood up and walk in front of him "listen here edward i have had enough of your childish talk your stressing me out and stress is no good for my baby so u need to shut up cause no matter what you say we all know that it wont help and maybe if you didn't act so damn obsessed over that damn human you would realize that there's someone who actually deserves you" i tell him and he looks at me with the most confused eyes "you really are blind my dear edward that you cant see whats right In front of you the actions your taking now are the actions of someone who's desperate for love and because of that your hurting your mate" i tell him and he still looked confused with a bit of anger "yes ok i am desperate for love I've been waiting for my mate for decades but I haven't found him or her so i gave up" he said and i laughed he looked even more mad at me but I didn't care "Layla go hunt" i tell her "wait so your just gonna leave it at that" edward asked "yup" i said and walk up to Layla and whisper so that the others wouldn't hear "when you go hunting make sure that you go really far away from the house but not to a different city or anything then turn off your powers over bond ok" i said to her and she nods and leaves a few minutes later edward disappears "let the games begin" i said to myself and the Cullens look at me weirdly i just smile and cuddle into jasper.

I did just as my sister told me to run and disabled my powers I kept running tho I didn't stop until I heard him chasing me Edward I smile and hide somewhere. I see him looking for me i silently laugh As i watched him struggle to find me until i saw he wasn't there anymore and then i felt it someone holding my hips i got scared and jumped then i heard him laugh "edward don't do that it scares me" i tell him with red cheeks "and you weren't gonna do the same" he said smirking "no i thought you were dinner" i told him and his smirk got wider "oh so u wanna eat me up huh" he said in a sexual way "n-no you pervert i thought you were an animal" i try to explain "well i can be an animal in bed" he said and i turn redder "n-not like that like an actual animal that you hunt for" i said he again made a joke and I couldn't handle it "please stop teasing me" i tell him looking at my feet "shouldn't you keep that for your girlfriend" i said to him and he looked down "look Layla i know that your my mate now and i know that i hurt you really bad when i brought Bella over but what i don't know is why i couldn't tell that you were my mate until now, do you know why?" He said with confusion in his voice "I'm sorry it is my fault" I told him "no it is not Layla its mine for being so blind" he said while holding my hand "no it is my fault because I have an ability to cipher bonds and fates I used it on us" I said and looked down he held my head up and smiled "is ok I can understand why you would do that but I'm very sorry for treating you so poorly" he said and pulled me into a hug I smile into his chest and we go hunting together. I of course knew that hunting here wouldn't last cause luna and jasper were planning on moving the family somewhere very soon so I was planning on enjoying every moment of my time here.

I grabbed a bowl and start eating this little cutie has many different cravings and I have no choice but to give it to it. I finished eating and head outside I sit on the porch and look at the sky I place a hand on my stomach and take a deep breath "oh my dear baby I cant wait to show you the good in this world and protect you from the bad, I can't wait to share this world with you, make memories, and watch you grow up to be a great person that I know you will be. you'll be just like your dad brave and handsome but I also know you'll be kind and generous" I said to myself "we will love you to no end my little angel" I felt the baby kick and a hand on my shoulder I look up to see jasper. I smile at him and he sits next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder "jasper?" I say he hums in response "what do you think will happen after our baby joins this world" I ask with a bit of fear "there will be a war for his or her life but we will fight them all once they are all done we will live our lives happily and nothing will separate us" he states and I smile he grabs my hand and we head inside to shower and for me to take a nap.

hope you guys like it make sure to vote and comment. thanks for reading love you all so much.

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