moving in together pt2

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I wake up to my now 10-month-old looking baby hitting my arm so I wake up. I giggle and pick him up "good morning Draco," I said and looked around jasper was here where could he be "now Draco you wouldn't know where your dada is," I asked him "dada dada," he said clapping and I put him on the bed with pillows around him. I get dressed and pick him up as I head to the bathroom and do my hair makeup and other stuff. after I was done I head to the dining room and saw the pack as well as Cullens. Susan walks up to me with Seth "hey luna, hi little Draco" she said and Seth just looked at Draco weirdly "ba-ba-ba-ba" Draco said and moved his arms around. Seth loosened up and Susan headed back with the other wolves. I head to the Cullens table and kiss jasper and say good morning. they say good morning back and I sit next to jasper. we all started talking and enjoying ourselves. "so luna how did you sleep" Esme asked me "I slept well thank u but Draco wanted to be a sweetheart and wake me up by hitting my arm" I said and they all laughed "the little man is going to be a hand full" Emmett said and Draco looked at him very mad "blabblabshubrr" Draco said swinging his hand "oh Emmett I think you made him mad" Alice said and Emmett laughed "you wanna fight the little man" he said jokingly "ba" Draco said and we all laughed until he started swarming around so I put him on the floor and he crawled to Emmett. Emmett picked him up a big mistake as soon as he's on Emmett's lap he starts hitting him and saying baby things. Emmett immediately gave him back to me "that baby is a fighter and I don't want to mess with him" Emmett said and we all laugh. we finish the food and head to the head of the ship to look at the view. "ahahah" Draco said I was confused he never did this before "what is it Draco" I asked and he again repeated the sound "do you want to see fishies" I asked "fibis" he said and I chuckle "ok Draco I will call the fish" I said and jasper looks at me weirdly. I smile and sing the siren song fishys and humans are attracted to this song.

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me, sleep peacefully
Listen to this siren's song
Worry not for nothing's wrong

Let my voice lead you this way
I will not lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out where men have died

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Let the ocean fill your lungs
Struggle not, soon peace will come
Taking in your final breath
Sink down to the ocean's depths

"I wish I could always be
In the ocean's arms, you see"
He who'd wanted nothing more
Sleeps now at the ocean floor

Ocean was your lover's name
You had loved her all the same
Now you'll always be together
Sirens are so very clever

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

I finished singing and they were all looking at me until dolphins jumped out the ocean. "fibis fibis" Draco said clapping his hands "mama fibis" he said and I giggle "yes Draco they are fishy" I said and we all watched the dolphins dive in and out of the ocean.
~~1 hour later~~
the dolphin show was over and I obviously recorded everything. I was taking a shower while Draco slept. and suddenly jasper comes in and joins me "today was interesting," I said and he chuckled "very" we both laughed as we washed. we soon finished and got changed when we got out of the bathroom I saw that Draco was awake and playing with his stuffy his cute dino stuffy. we look at each other than at Draco "how can he be so calm" I asked "he got it from me" jasper said and I hit him lightly. we walk to the bed and play with Draco. Draco makes a lot of adorable sounds. "jasper you know I love you " I said and he smiled at me "yes I know did you know I love you too" he said and I smiled and nod all of a sudden Draco starts to cry "aww Draco I love you too no need to be jealous" I tell him and he stops crying and we laugh. I noticed that it was night and Draco was getting a little cranky so I asked jasper to get the milk from the mini-fridge and he did. I feed Draco and burped him, I lay down and put Draco on top of me. he slowly falls asleep as I rub his back. I look at jasper we got a book and started to read. I went to bed with Draco and waited for tomorrow to arrive.
~~the next day~~
I wake up to a giggling Draco and a handsome jasper. I give jasper a kiss and Draco looks at me mad and then looks at jasper even angrier. "awww is my little Draco jealous" I said giving Draco I kiss on the head and going to get ready Draco is growing a lot he is almost looking like a 1-year-old but he is only 4 days old. I sigh as I head out to see jasper trying to make Draco walk but not working. I grab the camera and get it ready as I sit on the floor "come to mama Draco" I tell him and he takes two steps and falls "yay Draco you did it" I cheer and like always he claps and squeals. We went to see Carlisle "hey Carlisle," I said and he looked at us he switched places with Edward. Carlisle walked to us and he picked up Draco "Carlisle when are we getting to the place" jasper asked as I watched Draco mess with Carlisle's hair. "We should be getting there tomorrow," he said and we nod. I grab Draco and saw he was getting tired " Looks like someone is sleepy," I said and Jasper chuckles. I give Jasper a kiss and Draco gives him a big hug I head to the room with Draco as he slowly falls asleep in my arms. by the time we reach the room he was already asleep I lay him on the bed and put pillows around him so he wouldn't fall. I head to the fridge and grab Dracos empty bottles and fill them up I put them away and get dracos cloths for his I'm bath after he wakes up and after all that I head t0 my rocking chair and I read a book as I wait for Draco to wake up.
~~ 3hours later ~ ~
Draco is a good sleeper he hasn't woken up yet. I look up from my book to see Draco's little eyes looking at me. "mama" he said and as I walk to him and pick him up "yes baby mama" I said and made my way to the bathroom "you ready for a shower" I start the water and he claps his hands. I start to undress him from his Pjs and pick him up I test the water and it was warm. I put him in and heard a knock at the door "come in" I said and Jasper came in. He kissed me and kissed Draco's head. I take Draco out of the bath and dry him up put on his cloth and then gave him his favorite toy. and the day went on fine.

(so sorry for the late publish online school got me stressed hope you enjoyed reading)

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