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𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞: 𝐦𝐢𝐝-𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲

Her black vinyl heeled boots clicks through the cafeteria floor grabbing the attention of passersby

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Her black vinyl heeled boots clicks through the cafeteria floor grabbing the attention of passersby. Their eyes sparkle in either envy or fascination. Their not-so-quiet mutters pass around their individual tables. Lydia doesn't engross herself in rumors but she does know that kids can be very mean to each other. She once let rumors take the best of her but never again should she let people's words define who she is. Maybe that's why she doesn't have any solid friends that are girls. They were too jealous to hangout with her.

Lydia hugged her chemistry book to her chest as she looked at the distance for her friends. They were already at the lunch table. She would've been there with them already but her English teacher, Ms. Andersson told her to stay for a chat. Running a hand through her messy chocolate-colored hair, she tirelessly sighs with droopy eyes.

Finally reaching to the secluded table at the back, she pulls out the chair. She slumps down making the three boys look at her with knitted eyebrows and a concerned expression. "What's the matter Lyds? Is it about the test for Romeo and Juliet?" Jacob asks.

"No, I'm okay and it's not about the test," shaking her head, "Ms. Andersson held me back a few minutes to talk."

"Well what did she say?" Embry asks with curious eyes. Lydia sat up on her seat and took a deep breath.

"She said that I'm invited to go on a college career trip to California," Lydia paused before continuing, "but I said that I couldn't go."

"What! Why? That's such a great opportunity," Quill yelps out with half-chewed food in his mouth. Lydia smiles at disgust seeing bits of food flying out from his mouth.

"I don't know, it's like there's something that's pulling me back. Like a gut feeling that my life is supposed to be here. California sounds great but it's not me," Lydia bashfully smiles small at her friends. She saw them break into a genuine smile from the heartfelt words that Lydia said. Jacob lunged forward to give Lydia a side hug.

"Awww, Lydia doesn't want to leave us and we won't leave you Lydia," Jacob said. Stifling a laugh, Lydia pushes Jake away from her.

"I guess I'm just tired and annoyed about not knowing what's holding me behind but I'll find out soon hopefully," Lydia responded. She felt better talking to her friends about it.

Embry nudges Lydia's arm. Her big hazel eyes look into his dark almond ones with curiosity. Embry could feel his cheeks blushing, regretting his decision nudging to get Lydia's attention, "Uh um what about the test then," he sheepishly smiled with a few voice cracks.

Lydia bit her lower lip as she smiles, "Oh yeah the test. It's not that hard unless you read the book fully."

"You always say that! And every single time, the questions are in gibberish," Quil huffed out a breath of air as he continued to down his food. Lydia rolls her eyes at the baby tantrums that Quil had.

"I promise it's easy. Most of the class passed," Lydia reassures, "as long as you read the book, you're fine." Quil squints his eyes at Lydia and nods before going back to his joyful self.

Embry frowns hearing Lydia's words about the test, "I haven't read or even opened the book." He's not much of an academic student, and prefers not to read the books assignment for English.

"But Ms. Andersson gave the book to us a month ago," Lydia gawk in surprise. She saw the worry in Embry's eyes and she couldn't help but feel the worry he had too. She opened her backpack up and took out her English folder. "Here, I took notes on the book. I guarantee if you study these, you'll pass." Lydia slips the folder towards Embry.

Embry opens the folder and looks through the notes, he turns his head to Lydia with a grateful eyes, "Thank you, I wouldn't know what to do without you." Lydia blushed with his words.

"Hey where's our help?" Quil said as he motioned myself and Jacob. Lydia giggles, "You all are lucky that your English class is a day behind my class. There is time to study."

"Hey Lydia, Bella is asking if you want to tag along a test trail when the bikes are finished," Jacob asks out of the blue.

"Really? I don't want to intrude on the chemistry or anything," Lydia responds.

"Nah you won't. Bella really likes your company," Jacob said biting into his chicken nuggets before dipping them into a fruity red ketchup.

Lydia thought for a second and quickly nodded, "Sounds fun, I'll go."

As the four did their own things at the table, Lydia couldn't help but look around the cafeteria. There are so many faces she recognizes since Elementary. Most of the people in school were the same people from Elementary and Middle school. Not the funniest and nicest people but they're tolerable.

Lydia's eyes then stop at the far table in the middle. Jared and Paul's table. Sam's little followers. She didn't dislike them nor like them but there is a sense of respect for each other. Lydia remembered how Jared would come over to her house when her mom would throw birthday parties. He was a nice and humorous boy back then but he left her flabbergasted at how much he changed in a short span of time.

Paul, on the other hand, moved from another state to here. Lydia didn't know much about Paul, only that he has anger issues. She saw him push a kid down the hallways for bumping into him. However since he hanged out with Sam now, he doesn't pay attention to his old group of friends, he just left like nothing. Paul terrifies Lydia but not as much as how Sam terrifies her.

Then out of nowhere, Jared and Paul turned their heads. In a panic, Lydia quickly reframes her focus on the other table next to them. Their eyes are as intimidating as their physique. However, they weren't looking at her but at Embry. Lydia saw their stare lingering at the younger boy's back. It wasn't a mean glaring state but a one with caution and worry like they actually care about Embry.

"Paul and Jared are staring at you again," Lydia mutters towards Embry as she nudges his side. Embry looks up from reading the Romeo and Juliet notes to turn his head where the older two boys were staring. By the time Embry could see them staring, Paul and Jared went back to their own conversation.

"Don't worry about them Lydia, they're only hall monitors on steroids," Embry brushes off. Lydia anxiously bites her lip with a slow nod.

"I know but it's weird how they would randomly stare at you for a few minutes like they're waiting for something," Lydia let's out.

Embry puts his hand over Lydia to calm her down but it ended up making both of them blush shyly, "Leave them be Lydia. I won't leave you for Sam and his cult members."

Lydia nods and bites her lip in silence. Something bad is stirring and she didn't like the feeling.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐄. 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now