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𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞: 𝐦𝐢𝐝-𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲

Much to Lydia's surprise and amusement, she received a phone call from the unexpected Bella Swan

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Much to Lydia's surprise and amusement, she received a phone call from the unexpected Bella Swan. It was barely after she got home from school when the home-phone rang feverishly. Lydia expected it to be random advertisements or a wrong number situation, however, upon hearing the familiar rich feminine voice, Lydia didn't know how to react.

"Bella? How did you get this number?" Lydia questioned with a raised brow. She didn't mean to be upfront with Bella, she's genuinely curious as to how Bella got the number. Then it clicks, Jacob.

"I asked Jacob for your number. I'm sorry I didn't ask you ah-" Bella tried to explain herself through an apology, but Lydia decided to cut her off.

"No, no, it's totally okay. I'm just surprised that you called," Lydia reassured the brunette from the other line. She could hear Bella breath out in relief from the response.

Due to the lack of knowing each other, there was a small silence between the two girls. Bella decides to pick up the conversation, "Hey, I was wondering if you want to hangout together tomorrow? You're one of Jake's best friends and I was thinking it's a good opportunity to get to know each other."

Lydia tilted her head slightly forming a wide smile at the flattering thought. "A hangout sounds fun. You can come over to my place and we can chat," Lydia said as her index finger loops around the spiral cord of the landline.

"Sounds good but what's your address?" Bella questioned.

"Oh right, I live in a bluish-gray house a few blocks from Jake's house. You won't miss it," Lydia smiled as she gave the vague directions over the phone.

Bella hummed in response, "Okay, I guess I'll see tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow Bella," Lydia said before hanging up on the phone.


Lydia and Bella sat on the porch steps as they watched the sky turn into different shades of reds, yellows, and oranges. They spent a majority of their time chatting away about anything. They shared a few laughs here and there. Even if Embry, Quil, and Jacob were her best friends, there were times where she felt left out from certain conversations. It was refreshing to talk freely about girl problems to Bella because she knew the other brunette would understand.

Of course, Lydia had her mom for female support but having a female friend around her age was missing. She hoped the talk-of-the-town Bella Swan would be her lifelong friend that was missing in her social life. They related alot to each other. Divorced parents and what not.

Bella shared her whole life story growing up with her mother in Phoenix, Arizona. She mentioned that Renee, her mother, didn't act like a typical mother but like a best friend. Bella loves her mom but felt she was forced to grow up faster than most people her age. Then Bella talked about how she hated Forks when she was little, but coming back and meeting Edward made her time here bearable and worthwhile.

The other brunette hung at every word of Bella's life story. Lydia understood what Bella meant about growing up faster than everyone else. She had to do the same when her father left. Even if Lydia didn't want to say it, she was jealous of Bella. Jealous that the brunette had a relationship with her parents. It's everything Lydia ever wanted.

However, the two brunettes didn't dwell long about their life stories. Instead the topic of prom came up. Bella had her prom not so long ago and knew Lydia's prom was coming up soon.

"Are you going to prom?" The Swan girl said with a curious look. Lydia shrugged her shoulders.

"At this point I don't know. I've been waiting for this particular person to ask me," Lydia smiled sadly towards the vibrant sky.

"Embry?" Bella questions. The immediate mention of her best friend and long time crush grabbed her attention and she wondered how Bella could possibly know. Her right brow went up and eyed the brunette opposite from her.

"How do you know? Did Jake tell you? I swear if he told you I'm going to strangle him in his sleep," Lydia observed Bella and saw her shift uncomfortably.

"He might have..." Bella trailed off.

Lydia rolled her eyes and buried her face into her hands, "It's pathetic isn't it. Waiting for him to ask me to prom and all. He probably has another girl in mind." Bella listened to Lydia's love crisis. Jacob told her while they were fixing the bikes about the whole Lydia and Embry thing. He quote on quote said that both parties were blind as a bat.

"It's not pathetic," Bella reassures her newly found friend, "don't give up so easily. I know I haven't known you or Embry for long, but I can see that he likes you too."

The hopeless brunette uncovered her face and sat back up with hopeful eyes, "You really think so?"

Bella nodded, "Just wait it out."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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