Chapter Seven• Reunion

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To make up for the fact that I haven't updated in over half a year I wrote this very Beefy chapter (it has 5.5k words). I am really sorry that happened, but this was the last year of highschool and I just had my hand full with all sorts of exams and other stuff like that. I'm back for now, but I am starting a job in like 6 days so idk if I'll have to stick to this irregular scheudule or not.

Also this chapter contains mentions of the Comic death of superman which I haven't read so sorry it I describe things inaccurate. Also also the same goes for laws/crimes mentioned in this, I don't know the law I just made it up as it was convenient for me.

Now please enjoy this new chapter


"Nico, I'm over here!" Chiron's voice rung through the half full Café.

Nico looked in the direction the voice came from and could see that Chiron wasn't alone at his table.

Chiron, who was using his wheelchair and decoy legs, just as Nico expected, was now on his way to greet both Nico and Bruce. Nico suddenly didn't care about looking normal or being in a café anymore. He ran towards Chiron. They shared a long and intimate hug and Nico only then started to realise how much he had missed his mentor.

As Chiron and Bruce shook hands, Nico walked towards the table and realised he knew the other people sitting there: Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase were sitting at the table, looking older than they did the last time Nico had seen them, yet still significantly younger than 68, the age Nico had calculated they should be. If he had to guess, he would place them in their early to mid-thirties, just a couple of years younger than Bruce

"Annabeth? Percy?", Nico asked without even trying to mask the disbelief in his voice.

Percy stood up and looked at Nico. For just a split-second Nico could see something in Percy's eyes he hadn't seen before, then he looked even happier than Chiron to see Nico. Nico was pulled into another two hugs with Percy and Annabeth.

The situation was similar to how Nico had imagined it, and yet Nico's senses were telling him that something about the situation was off. Aside from that look in Percy's eyes he couldn't figure out why. That was until he looked back at the table and realised Percy and Annabeth were the only Demigods who had come with Chiron to see him.

Something horrible must have happened.

After all, Will wasn't there.

"Wait, if you are here, then where are the others?", Nico asked. "Where is Will?"

Mentioning Will bought that look back in their faces, and now Nico was certain his hunch was right, something terrible had happened.

Percy only managed to say a hushed "later" then Bruce and Chiron arrived at the table.

Of course, he hadn't expected Will to have stayed his age, and he would have wanted for Will to move on after Nico's "death", but Will dying was not something he had anticipated.

"Bruce, I see you just met Chris, now allow me to introduce you to Percy, my cousin, and Annabeth, his Girlfriend", Nico said, quickly pretending like his world wasn't falling apart as they were speaking.

They all sat down and had some friendly small talk, ordered drinks and some cake, which Bruce offered to pay for, and they were all in all warming up to each other.

While they were talking about things that weren't really important, Bruce seemed kind of fidgety, touching the bottom of the table multiple times and moving things like the napkin dispenser slightly. The others didn't seem to notice, which didn't surprise Nico as the three Demigods were all way more fidgety, but Nico thought Bruce's behaviour was somewhat out of character for him.

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