The day the door didn't shut open

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It's basically Kennith's town got kinda stuck in the 80s (style wise, etc.) whilst Arc and Say's city's already part of the modern world, ya get my point?

So Evelynn just wresteled with Kennith after he tried cutting through his veins but didn't succeed due to, well, Evelynn tackling him down. So this is basically where this story starts.


The door opened.

Kennith, on the ground with Evelynn on top of him still tried his best looking up to these standing there watching them.
He actually expected Stephanie to stand there but instead, there was a blonde guy, and a longer haired one whoms hair wasn't blonde but oak brown. Evelynn looked up in shock, it all seemed like this wasn't planned.

The darker haired pulled out a saw and nodded the blonde.
"These two hopefully know what they're doing..." Kennith thought to himself.
The blonde dude pulled out a taser and got closer to them.

"Listen, you little shits better stop that bullshit right now, I don't wanna miss my fucking show." He pulled Evelynn up by their hair, holding the taser against their throat and last but not least, shocking them.

Evelynn fell to the ground, shaking. "T-t-this i-is not h-how the s-story is s-s-supposed t-to end!" they hissed repeatingly.

"Shut up." the blonde said calmly. "How are things going, Say?" He asked the darker haired one.

"Shitty. Those cords n cabels are a bit tougher than I thought they'd be." They replied.

The blonde nodded. Then, he looked down on me. However, his eyes were covered by bandages.
"You're that fag who appeared on screen, eh?" He said, grinning like a psycho.

I swallowed nervously. Though I wanted to die badly, I felt like this guy would make my death be much more painful than I'd want it to.

The blonde one sat down in front of me. I held up my box cutter as some sort of self-defense.
"Listen, I won't kill you yet," he said, calmly but still sending out creepy vibes.
"And I totally won't let you die by this bullshit." He grabbed my wrists which were almost fully cut open due to the previous fight with Evelynn, and tightened the grib to stop the bleeding.

"W-what do you mean by this? Who are you two anyways and what the FUCK are you still doing here??" I asked turning my face away from both of them, facing the wall of the garage.

"I mean I won't let you kill yourself because killing people is MY job, not fuckin' yours." He said, his grin disappeared.

"Also, I'm Say. And the shorty's name's Arc.", the darker haired looked up.

"Oh, you're done."
Arc looked up on Say, holding a bunch of cut-through cords and cables.

Say shook their head yes.
"So, how about him? And what about..."
Say rested their foot on Evelynn's stomach.
"This thing?"

"I think we won't be able to kill them or something. They're not human."

"Unlike you, I didn't think of killing them. I'll just tie them up in red-heads basement."
Say grabbed Evelynn by the arm and dragged them along with bunch of cables.
"Be right back!"

Arc turned back, facing me.
"You're lucky we got here in time. You could've been dead."

I huffed. "I wouldn't mind being dead right now."

Arc let go of my wrists. "Sure. You don't know what it feels like being dead, don't you fear it being worse than your current miserable life?"

"Life can't get worse!"
I shouted, holding my box cutter near the freshly done cut which stopped bleeding due to Arc's previous grib, reay to cut through the vein again.

"Listen up, shorty-"
I cut him of. "NO I WON'T!"

Arc ripped the box cutter out of my hand pinning me onto the floor.
"You'll listen, otherwise I'll scratch your face off and sew it back on, no anesthesia."

I sighed.
This guy...
I had no power left to get back on him, I wasted it all on the fight with Evelynn.

Arc pulled off his bandages. His orange orbs glared into mine.
"There there." He said, smirking.

I glared back, not knowing what to answer.

What is this feeling, slowly sucking all kind of power out of my body?

"Well I forgot what I was about to say, but I remember what I planned on doing."
He ripped his bandages in two, wrapping my wrists up. I flinched. It really hurt, more than cutting them openin the first place.

Arc let go of my arms, his hands covered in blood.
He licked it off his hands, still smirking.

"You're disgusting." I hissed.

"Don't say that, that's mean! It's not my fault I need your daen human guts to survive."

I glared at him. "What the fuck. What are you, a cannibal?"

"Don't know, don't care. Well, I care but Say doesn't." He said and chuckled.

I looked down on my arms. Arc crawled off me so I could get back up. I held on to his sweater. Walking was hard and I felt dizzy due to the bloodloss. I tightened my grip and he wrapped his arm around me so I wouldn't fall over.

"We should get you something to drink." Arc said while dragging me out of the garage and back into my house. He helped me sitting down onto a kitchen chair while handing me a glass of water.
I was about to thank him when the door got kicked in.

"KENNITH!" Stephanie jumped in, almost throwing herself all over me but luckilly just hugged me really tightly. "Oh I was so worried, I thought you were dead! I'm so sorry, so so sorry!" She buried her face in my shoulder. I sat there, completly stunned.

Stephanie let go off me and pulled out a notebook and a pencil. She started writing something down, then turned the notebook to me.

「I'm sorry!!!」

I took the pencil out of her hand and scribbled something underneath.
I was still pissed for what she had said... or... whatever? But... she was the only person I could rely on, still and she would chase after me until I forgave her anyways, so...

「It's fine.」

Gay with blonde hair - an Arc x Kennith ficWhere stories live. Discover now