wait where the fuck are your shoes?

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"You got all the stuff you need?" Say shouted from the kitchen so I could hear her.
"Almost!" I replied.
I was getting ready to leave all this behind and stay with Arc and Say. Fuck, I've literally kept all this shit up for 18 years just to end up as a bummer.


Stephanie helped me with getting my stuff to fit my suitcase.
"Kennith!" She said and started writing stuff down in her notebook.
I looked at her, waiting for her to finish.

「I will visit you next week but pls send texts about how things are going, I'm so excidet for you!」She smirked.

I took the pencil and replied to her.

「You're way too hyped.」
I shook my head smiling.

"True." She said. "You should be the excidet one!"

I continued writing in her notebook.

「I'm moving in with people I had never talked to before, I shouldn't be excidet, I should be frightened.」

I chuckled.

Stephanie wrote down more stuff.

「You're right, be careful!」

"Don't worry, I'll be alright."

Stephanie nodded me yes, then continued helping me.
Once my suitcase was fully packed I dragged it downstairs, Say and Arc already waiting for me.
Arc apprently had re-bandaged his eyes.

"Are you ready to leave?" Say asked, leaning against the wall like all gloomy cool kids do.

"Fuck yes." I replied.

Say opened the door, offering me to leave first. I walked out, Arc and Say right behind me. Stephanie hugged me goodbye and walked home, while Say, Arc and I headed into the opposite direction.

Fuck this town. Fuck all it's people.
I thought to myself.

"You alright?" Arc asked.

"Totally. I'm so fucking glad to leave this shithole of a village behind." My face darkened in disgust.

"Don't worry. Over at our City, you won't even peek out of the rest, everyone's pretty weird. Especially in that area we live in." Arc tried comforting me.

"Everyone looks like a gay weirdo?" I asked.

"I usually don't care about people's looks, dude." Arc shrugged.

Haha, funny.

Say turned her head. "Arc, are you literally comforting someone?? Also our city is basically empty because Arc killed everyone."

"Oh, sorry I'm trying to be human." Arc crossed his arms grinning.

"You- I- urgh, you don't even- ..." Say stopped. "Anyways... you'll like it, it's decent."

"Probably." I replied.

We kept on walking into the sunset, not saying a word.
Pretty chill.

I closed my eyes for a second and enjoyed the fresh air that finally made me feel some kind of relief. Freedom.

"Say, wanna take the tube?" Arc asked, arms crossed behind his head.
"Sure. If Kennith's fine with it." Say replied, hands in the pockets of her shorts.

Both looked at me.

"Yeah sure." I agreed. "I can show you the next station."

"No need, I can smell it." Arc said, grinning.
Is he trying to brag about that?

"Oh?" I asked teasingly.
"Yeah, that's how he found me. And then he ruined my life." Say kept on looking straight forward.

I feel so damn sorry for her...

"It wasn't hard to be honest, you smelled like death." Arc said.
"OH, sorry I didn't get adopted by loving parents like you!" Say glared at him.

"Uhh... How do you two manage to life together without killing eachother?" I asked to avoid them getting into a fight again.

"I could never hurt my beloved Say!" Arc pouted.
"Blackmailing. He said if I'd stay with him he wouldn't hurt me or any others. I don't really trust him but it's the least I can do." Say said.

"What the fuck. I have so many questions..." I said.

"Feel free to ask and we'll gladly answer all of them. As long as you'll answer our questions in return." Arc grinned. I clearly felt his orange orbs glaring at me through the bandages. "Deal?"

"Deal." I agreed.

"Okay sooo... How did you two even get here?" I asked.

"Well, Arc was pissed once you appeared on screen instead of whatever he was about to watch and headed out to get and kill you, but I talked him out of it. We still got here due to you smelling like..." Say explained and then paused.

Arc buried his face in my shoulder and took a deep breath. "Mhhhh... Blood. And sadness, my favourite flavour."

"Yeah, something like that." Say finished her sentance.

Arc let go of my arm.
"Uhh... well thank you, I guess. I don't really care if I'd have died or not but well." I sighed.
"I guess I can't be mad at you either. I messed up."

"We all messed up at some point." Arc said, shrugging.

Say looked aside, clinging her fist.

"It's our turn. Say, you wanna start?" Arc looked at Say.

"Hm..." Say closed her eyes for a second to think. "Okay, why did you hijack a whole channel?"

"It was Evelynn's idea to hijack a whole channel I just wanted to hijack the one at Greg's gas station to brag about how smart I am. But Evelynn talked me into being better than just that... god I'm so stupid." I got quiet near the end.

"Look, we all do stupid things sometimes. And others will forget about it and eventually, we will too." Say said, carefully patting my back.

"You're right. It's my turn." I said. "Let's see..."
I yawned. "Uh... what are you two?"

"What do you mean by that specifically?" Say asked.

"Um... Species wise but also in general." I said.

"Species wise but also in general..." Arc repeated.
"Well, Say and I are similar to humans but we aren't humans. Say wants to blend in but eh, you see there's some slight differences. For example, our eyes are natually orange and our fingernails are black, we also have no fingerprints. And Say 'n I are super bestest buddies and kinda siblings." Arc said, grinning like an idiot.

"Exacly. I fucking hate this guy." Say said, shaking their head.

"Our turn, why did you cut yourself, kiddo?" Arc asked.

"Because my life sucks and I wanna die." I replied. "My turn. Where are your shoes?"

"Say's a bummer and has no money to buy shoes."

"Arc is an edgelord and doesn't wear shoes because he's edgy."

It may be like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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Gay with blonde hair - an Arc x Kennith ficWhere stories live. Discover now