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Yes I bleed,
It's the same blood that sings through your veins,
it's rich and red,
not blue and dead;

Yes I bleed,
I am as pure as the Holy Ganga,
the same one that washes all your sins;

Yes I bleed,
I am angry and frustrated because of your stupid actions,
not because it's 'that time of the month';

Yes I bleed,
I whisper for a pad and wrap it in black,
but the only good part: a girl always helps another in Code Red;

Yes I bleed,
and I am very much priveledged,
it's not grass or paper or tissue or cloth between my thighs;

Yes I bleed,
that stain on my skirt is a no big deal,
there are so many emotions that I feel,
no it doesn't affect my commitments,
even though my hormones are a mess;

Yes I bleed,
There a niagra falls of red beneath,
and a smile that shows my teeth;

Yes I bleed,
every month for a few days,
I feel no shame and I hope you don't feel it either;

Yes I bleed!
Yes I bleed!

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