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There was a silence hanging in the air.

"Sire, what di-" I began but he interrupted me.
"I want to bake cookies" he says as he walks to the cupboards to gather ingredients.
"I shall make them for you, sire" I say as I grab other ingredients that are needed for cookies.

"No" he simply says.
"Then, should I help you sire?" I ask.
"Yeah" he says.
"...and you can just call me Jin" he says as he looks away.

"I can't possibly do such a thing sire" I say as I shake my head.
"If you can call those men by their name, surely you can do the same with mine" he says as he turns to me.

"Sire, there's a big difference. You are a prince-" I say but he cuts me off.
"I know but just within these walls surely it should be fine" he quickly says.

"If it's what you command, then I will do so" I say as I nod my head.

"Great! So, where do we start" he says with sudden energy as he claps his hands together, smiling at me.

"Um, I'm actually also not certain. I'll look for a recipe" I say as I start looking for cook books that should be laying around somewhere.

"You don't know? I thought all people can cook" he says as he slightly laughs at me.
"I am a clear example of someone who can't cook" I say.

This is true since in the agency, cooking wasn't something I was trained for. You were trained to cook if you had to go undercover as a chef or something and I never had that opportunity.

Food was always provided at the agency. Granted, not always the tastiest but it was still food.

"Luckily, I know what to do" he says as he rolls up his sleeves.
"Really?" I ask, actually shocked.
"Yeah, I usually come here when the kitchen is empty" he says as he gets started.

"Oh, well then, what should I do because I absolutely suck at anything to do with the kitchen" I admit. He looks a little shocked when I said that.

"She's speaking normally, nice" he mumbles to himself and does a tiny victory fist. I pretend not to hear.

"You can measure what we need so long. I'll mix it and you can add the ingredients" he says as he starts to measure the butter.

He tells me how much we need of certain ingredients and I do as he says. Soon enough, we have all the ingredients measured and ready to go.

He grabs two bowls and mixes the dry ingredients with each other and the other with all the wet ingredients. He pours the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients and starts mixing by hand.

"Shouldn't we add milk?" I ask.
"Milk?!" He laughs at me as if I said something outrageous.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem right without milk. Everything has milk in so shouldn't this have milk in it too?" I reason and he continues his laughing.
"N-no" he says between laughs. His laughs eventually dies down.

"You done?" I ask. He looks at my face and begins laughing again.
"I get it! You don't add milk in cookies, you can stop laughing now" I say as I cross my arms.

"Aww, don't get mad. I just never heard of it" he says as he calms down.
"Just mix" I tell him and he chuckles at me.

"In that cupboard, you will see cookie cutters" he says as he nods to a cupboard. I nod and look into the cupboard he referred to. I spot the cookie cutters and bring them to the counter.

"There should be this paper thing. Unroll it and leave it on the counter. Then switch on the oven" he instructs. I do as he says and wait by the counter.

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