Episode 11

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My eyes hurt me so bad, every night is the same thing

David : Do you have any eye drops ? let me pick it for you.

I don't have, sins i lost my sight, my father never took me to the dotor, so i learnt to deal with pain through time, i'll be okay after few hours, go back to sleep please, am sorry i woke you up this time of the day.

David : ( Few hours ? she handles the pain for few hours  ? is she crazy ? she never saw a doctor ? what kind of father is he ? ) where is my phone, i'll call my private doctor, right away, you wait a little okay ? The pain will go away *worried*

( Is he worrying about me ? Why ? My father never took me to the doctor, he never cared, why is he doing this for me ? I don't want to get used to this ! i'm hurt enough, i don't need any affection, he is being so nice to me, how can i not fall for him ?

David : The doctor will be here in few moment *worried* *clench teeth*

I told you, i'll be fine, i've been used to it, please don't be nice to me that much

David : stupid girl *kiss her*

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