Episode 16

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David, before the doctor starts, i want to tell you something okay ? Look no matter what happened, you were the most wonderful person and husband i ever had, i actually heard what the doctor said last time to you when he came to check my eyes, and i want to tell you that am not sad, am happy.

David : *cry* you actually heard everything, what a stupid am I *cry*

Hunny it's okay, we had the best time we could ever have, you are the family that i never had, and now i want you to be that family to our baby.

David : Stop talking *cry* i love you and I'll do anything for our family *cry*

* I put my hand on his cheek*

I can't see you, but with this tears you really would look ugly *wipe it* don't let our baby see it, soon he is coming to this world, do you want him to see your tears in his first sight.

David : *Take her hand* You need to be strong, we will survive this okay no matter what.

It's time for the baby please push more... one more push go !

*hold his hand* i lo..

The baby is out

David : JANE JANE !!! JANE !!! JANE 

Doctor : We're really sorry, your wife gave birth to this little baby girl, and she...

David : Jane.. *cry*

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