chapter six

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san and wooyoung had exchanged barely no words after lunch, not that it was much different from normal days though. wooyoung felt san was being a little odd that day. he wasn't being his normal confident self and it kind of worried him.

"is something bothering san?" the younger then went and whispered to hongjoong and seonghwa when they were all leaving school. san was walking before them with the other four boys.

hongjoong just turned his head to look at seonghwa, kind of waiting for him to answer. he nervously scratched his head, not sure whether to tell the truth or not.

"well, you know, i don't think i'm in any place to say anything, so i suggest you'd rather just go talk to him?" seonghwa said, placing a hand on wooyoung's shoulder.

"go talk to him you say..." the black haired boy thought.

before giving it a few thoughts, he went to the boy in front of them and slightly tugged on his shirt. that act startled san but he actually found wooyoung pretty cute like that.

"got time now? we could go grab a coffee or something", the shorter one suggested and smiled a little.

"uh, yeah, why not", san answered. he was kind of confused, but actually just really happy wooyoung invited him somewhere. just the two of them.

wooyoung ordered two iced americanos for them and after a few minutes he came back to the table with them.

"so, any special reasons you wanted to come here?" san asked and took a long sip of his drink. he wasn't too fond of coffee, but was willing to drink it just for wooyoung.

"does there always have to be one?" the shorter boy asked with big eyes. "you're right."

"no but in all honesty, i did ask you here for a reason", wooyoung added, making the other one look at him with curiosity written all over his face.

"i don't know, you've just been kind of distant today. have i perhaps done something? like..hurt you?" the black haired boy hesitated, knowing he'd never purposely hurt san.

the question made him choke on his coffee. "ah, n-no! no, it's definitely not your fault", san tried saying. well, that's not entirely true, but let's just leave it at that, he thought.

"hmm", wooyoung said, jokingly narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "whatever you say. but what is it then?"

"oh, know..." this made the taller one really nervous. he wasn't too sure of what to say. "actually, i'd like to tell you something."

"oh okay, go ahead then", wooyoung said, resting his head on his hands.

san tried looking straight into the other boy's mesmerizing eyes. he mustered up the courage and opened his mouth.

"actually, i think i-" he was cut right in the middle of his sentence by wooyoung's phone ringing.

"don't worry about that, you can go on", wooyoung smiled, putting his phone on silence.

"no, i think you should just answer the phone", san said, lowering his eyes. "it wasn't anything important anyways", he added, chuckling slightly.

"well, if you really think so", wooyoung said, giving him a warm smile before going outside for a bit to answer the call.

now that was close, i almost confessed to him...san thought while fidgeting with his sweaty hands. he realized both of them had finished their drinks, but he really didn't want to leave yet. it had never been like this before, just the two of them being all soft around each other.

after a few minutes wooyoung came back inside and sat down with a sigh. he placed his phone on the table and stretched his arms long, with another deep sigh.

"hm, something wrong?" san asked, focusing on the other boy.

"well, yeah, my little brother called", wooyoung said, looking down at his hands. "said mom and dad are at it again, arguing, you know. they tend to do it a lot."

san felt really bad for the boy sitting in front of him and had the sudden urge to just hold him in his arms.

"it's going to be alright, you can always come to me, you know, for comfort", he told wooyoung, taking his hands and gently brushing them with his thumbs.

that made a slight red rise on the younger one's cheeks. he looked down  at the floor, trying to hide his face. "thanks", he mumbled with a faint smile.

"you know, you're really cute", san suddenly blurted out when they were walking back home. it was getting pretty late since the boys had went to an arcade to cheer wooyoung up. they both had had such a great time, and felt like it made their friendship a lot deeper.

"w-what?" wooyoung said quietly with his cheeks flushed. he turned his head to look at san who was already looking at him with a wide smile on his face.

they both suddenly stopped walking. they felt something funny inside of them, something beyond friendship. it was a new feeling for both of them, but it was greater than anything they'd felt before.

little by little, they started closing the space between them. san slightly tilted his head to the side and went closer to wooyoung's face until their lips touched. it was a really soft kiss and it almost felt natural for them.

they parted away after a brief moment and opened their eyes to look into each other's eyes. both of them had a light pink on their cheeks and they felt warm.

suddenly the realization hit wooyoung like a truck and he started panicking. oh no what did i just dooooo! he started sweating and tried to come up with an excuse to leave.

"i-uh, i gotta go!" he said with a shaky voice before he ran away and almost tripped over his own feet.

san didn't say anything, he just watched the other boy and laughed.

when wooyoung got home, he immediately bolted to his room and jumped on his bed.

oh my god did we just. did we just kiss?? he thought to himself and kicked the pillows in excitement. he couldn't help the smile that crept on his lips.

|| sorry guyss it's been so longgg, i've just really lacked motivation haha

i think this is coming to it's end pretty much? idk, i do have things planned but there probably won't be that many chapters left.

side note: never am i ever gonna have long nails again, i can't even write properly so um sorry for typos?

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