chapter nine

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wooyoung woke up to the birds chirping unusually loud until he realised they had left the window open. they definitely had because his neck was really stiff from sleeping with the window open.

he and yunho were both sleeping on the floor since first of all, yunho didn't want to sleep alone on the bed, and second of all, it was too hot to sleep on the bed.

he tiptoed over yunho and quietly creeped out of the room, trying to open the door as quietly as possible since yunho was still fast asleep, but it made a big creaky sound and it freaked wooyoung out, but luckily yunho never wakes up to anything.

it was only 06.48am, but the boy wasn't sleepy anymore. he went up to yunho's balcony (which he was so jealous of) and inhaled all the fresh morning air.

i wonder if san's still sleeping... he thought and rested his head in his hands.

after looking at the sleepy and quiet town for a while longer, he went back inside only to bump into a sleepy yunho.

"since when have you been smoking.." yunho murmured jokingly and rubbed his eyes.

"yeah, as if", wooyoung laughed back and threw himself on the couch.

"hey dude."


"you gotta make some progress today. please, i'm dying here having to listen to you talk about san all the fucking time", the blue haired one said, stuffing his mouth with breakfast.

"ughhh do i have to...why can't i just, i don't know, sleep away or something", wooyoung said with a big frown on his face. in fact he did want to make some progress himself too, but he was afraid. afraid even though they had even kissed already? yeah.

"don't be stupid. there's no way i'm letting you just sleep away. now help me with the dishes or perish", yunho said and threw a sponge at wooyoung.


should i have not kissed him...oh my god i think he hates me now...what do i do he hasn't talked to me after the kiss at i just a really bad that can't be it, i'm pretty confident in my skills... all these thoughts were twirling around san's head. he probably hadn't got a single wink of sleep, but that was not his main concern right now.

fuck it, should i just ask him out...? oh no i really don't know what to do... he buried his face in a pillow but not longer after his phone started ringing.

oh my god please be wooyoung finally...!

but much to his disappointment, it was yunho calling. which was actually pretty weird for him to call san.

"yes it's me, yunho, and wooyoung's currently taking a shower so i took this chance to call you. if you don't goddamn do something about your little love quarrel today, i will come for you and your whole family."

"w-" san didn't even get to say anything before the other one hung up on him. "what the actual heck was that..."

what yunho had said was left lingering in his mind. while taking a shower, he was contemplating on whether or not he should ask wooyoung somewhere later that day, to settle things out.

okay, i've come to the conclusion that every one of us is gonna go crazy if we don't do something about this, so i'm gonna call wooyoung now.

san was hesitating a lot before finally pressing the call button.


wooyoung was drying his hair with a towel when he heard someone's phone buzz somewhere in the room. at first glance he didn't see a phone anywhere, but after some looking around he found, not much to his surprise, his own phone under the bed.

"san..." he whispered and pressed the green button with shaky fingers.

"oh um, hi wooyoung", san mumbled from the other side of the call.

"h-hi..." he answered with a lump in his throat.

"so, i just...wanted to ask if you, umm...did i perhaps...upset you with the sudden kiss..?"

wooyoung choked on his own spit and coughed a little before answering with a weak voice "n-no..! i mean, no..."

he heard a sound of relief coming from san before he chuckled a little. "that's so great to hear...wanna meet today? we could like, talk about stuff better."

"...sure!" wooyoung answered with a small smile creeping on his lips. he felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

|| wow i finally updated after a month haha 😎
what's poppin guys i have to wake up for school in four hours but i had the sudden urge to write and publish this because i've left yall hanging for so long :((

idk if this chapter feels a little short or rushed but i promise i'll write a better one real soon! also im so sad this is coming to an end :( actually i don't even have to end this so soon...

anyways love y'all <33 n we're gunna hit 1k readers soon <3

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