two || firm knocker

408 6 3

"But I met a girl with a porcelain name
Easy to talk to but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm falling for you?
The girl with a porcelain name
Meets a boy with a cardboard face"


Knock knock knock.

I slammed my pillow over my head, hoping the noise would go away. 

Knock knock knock.

"Laci! Get the door!" I heard Sadie's voice down the hall.

"Why can't you get it?" I yelled back, opening my eyes to try and adjust to the sunlight coming in through my window. You know in Spongebob when you can hear them blink?

That's how dry my eyes are. 

"I'm about to take a shower!" Sadie screamed back. I let out an exaggerated groan and pulled myself out of bed. The knocking had stopped and I was ready to go back to bed when-

Knock knock. 

I raked my fingers through my tangled hair and padded down the stairs, ready to clock whoever felt the need to wake up the Quinn sisters at the unreasonable time of six in the morning. 

"For God sake! Can I help you- oh, hi," I swung open the front door to come face to face with the blond-haired boy that lived across the street. Our brief eye contact memory from yesterday night flooded my mind and I took in the appearance of Cash Baker; tall, blond hair that has been dyed I assume considering last time I hung out with him his hair was brown, and his eyes were as blue as ever. 

"Hey, I- um, I'm sorry, your package came to our house by accident," Cash handed me a small box and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, "and sorry about waking you up by knocking at six in the morning, my- uh, my mom wanted me to knock until someone answered to make sure you girls were still alive."

"Oh, don't worry about it, I was already awake," I lied, running a hand through my hair again, suddenly feeling self-conscious in my penguin covered pajama pants and a white t-shirt. 

"Lies," Cash squinted his eyes and I bit back a smile, "but I'll let it go, see you around," he gave me a small wave, which I returned. Sadie came down the stairs in clothes for school, with her hair wrapped in a towel. 

"Was it the UPS man? Cause he's a firm knocker," as she spoke, her eyes darted to the box in my hand, "yes! My skincare products!" The smile on her face grew ten times wider as she ripped the box out of my hand. I was about to tell her who was actually at the door when she interrupted me. 

"You're driving me to school, right?" Sadie asked as we both made our way up the stairs. 

"When do I not?" I turned right into my room as Sadie walked further to her room. I threw on black ripped jeans and a band t-shirt. I wasn't one to try at this point in the school year since frankly, nobody cares. I've tried to tell Sadie otherwise at the beginning of the school year, but she failed to listen and that's why I am now in the car, windows rolled down, waiting for my little sister to be done curling her hair. 

"Hey stranger," a voice shook me out of my thoughts. There stood Cash, on the other side of my car door, "5 Seconds of Summer? Good taste," he gestured to the radio where I had my Bluetooth hook up, playing shuffled songs from Sounds Good Feels Good. 

"Yeah, I- I really like them," I didn't know why I was so nervous, but when Cash leaned his forearms on my car and leaned in closer, it made my heart beat faster. 

"Is that Cash Baker?" Cash and I both turned to see Sadie coming down the front steps in a floral dress that stops right above her knees. She squinted her eyes from the sun that has already started to come up into the sky. 

"She really-"

"-went all out?" I finished what I knew Cash was going to say. 

"Yeah, that's what I was going to say," his eyebrows knitted and his gaze focused back on me, "how long has she been dressing like this?" 

"All year," I whispered as Sadie came closer. Everyone has their way of expressing themselves, I've figured out my way is the kind of music I listen to while Sadie's is through clothes. 

"Hey, I was wondering if we could talk later?" Cash asked me as Sadie got in the passenger side of the car. I looked between Cash and my sister and then back at Cash. 

"Me?" I asked, pointing a finger to my chest. 

"Yeah, you," Cash laughed softly, a sound I haven't heard in a while. Sadie and I wore the same expression which probably made Cash a little uncomfortable. 

"Y- Yeah, we can talk later. I'll- uh, I'll head over to your house when I get home?" I asked and Cash confirmed, nodding. I shouldn't be this nervous, it's not normal. My heart was practically pounding out of my chest I thought I was going to pass out right over the steering wheel. hearts aren't supposed to pound, right? 

"Have fun at real-life school," Cash joked as I put the car in reverse. A smile played on the boy's lips and a funny feeling appeared in my stomach. It felt like something was flying around in there. Did I accidentally swallow a bug on my way outside?

"Have fun at online school," I joked back, shooting the boy a smile as I pulled out of the driveway. I never really knew why Cash did online school, figures since last time we talked was when we actually went to the same school. I saw Cash send a small wave through the rearview mirror and couldn't hide the giddy feeling I felt inside. I guess Sadie saw it too since she let out an exaggerated sigh.

"What do you think Cash's going talk to you about? Ask you to be his girlfriend? Wife? Or maybe he's going to-"

"Sadie, that was the first conversation I've had with Cash in about four years, I would relax if I were you," I couldn't help but laugh at my sister's accusations.

"But, you'd tell me if something happened, right?" My sister asked as I turned my blinker on. The school wasn't very far and honestly, my sister and I could walk, but we'd have to wake up earlier than usual.

"Yes, of course, you know I would," I put a hand on my sister's shoulder and a few minutes later turned into the school parking lot. 


i feel like there's A LOT of dialogue happening here but idc i like the way this chapter turned out.

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