nine || you sack of numbnuts

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"I'm in trouble I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl
But even worse I can't stop calling her
She's all I want and more
I mean damn,
What's not to adore"


"I bet you he's a Trump supporter," Faith says, opening the fridge and taking out a watermelon. I hadn't even been home for five minutes when Sadie and Faith started bombarding me with questions. I told them about Hudson and what happened during lunch.

"What happened during the rest of the day?" Sadie asked as Faith pulled out a cutting board and a knife. 

"Well, I kind of avoided him which wasn't hard considering he didn't even try to make his way towards me. I played with those girls Maggie and Carly for a while, they taught me how to finger paint, and then I hung around a few kids playing Jenga. When it was time to leave, Hudson insisted on taking me home but I literally told him I drove my own car. It was like he was acting as if nothing had happened at lunch. " I shrug and take a seat at the counter. 

"I'm telling you, I can see the 'Trump 2020' flag hanging in his bedroom, can't you see it?" Faith asks and Sadie nudges her side. 

"Let's not assume, okay? Laci, you're always the one saying to never judge someone by your first time meeting them, right? So, give this guy a chance!" Sadie clasps her hands together and Faith rolls her eyes. 

"Don't nudge a woman with a knife, got it? I'll take this watermelon juice and squirt it right into your eyes," Faith takes the knife above her head and slams it right down the middle of the watermelon. Her aim was perfect, I mean, that was dangerous as hell, but her aim was still pretty good. 

"What do you guys think I should do about him though?" I ask, taking a piece of watermelon from Faith. My phone buzzes and I take it out of my sweatshirt pocket. 

Unknown: Sorry about today at lunch

Unknown: It's Hudson btw

Laci: i'm sorry too, i got so worked up 

Hudson: Pretty girls just make me flustered

I blush at the text from Hudson and look up at Faith and Sadie who seem way too caught up in a conversation about watermelon and cucumbers.

"Isn't the green part of the watermelon the same as the skin on a cucumber?" Sadie asks and Faith flicks her friend's forehead. 

"No, you sack of numbnuts," Faith scolds. I move my eyes to the knife that's now in the sink, out of reach from both girls. My phone started vibrating again, indicating someone was calling me. I look at the caller ID to see Hudson's name across the screen.

"Then what would a watermelon taste like if I dipped it in vinegar? Would it taste like a pickle?" Was the last thing I heard before making my way out of the house and down the sidewalk. I press the answer button and press the phone against my ear. 

"Hey, Laci, right?" A voice on the other end speaks. 

'Yup, that's me," I mentally slap myself for my lame response. 

"Well, I'm really sorry about lunch. How about I make it up to you tomorrow? We can leave the daycare for lunch and go somewhere like Subway or something," Hudson's voice was steady, like he was afraid of messing up. 

"Yeah," I say after a few moments. "That'd be great." I can't help the smile that comes on my face. 

"See you tomorrow then, cutie," was the last thing I heard before the line went dead. I stare at my phone screen that mirrors my smile in the reflection. I practically skip back inside, forgetting the two girls who were on the other side. They're both at the kitchen counter, chin in their hands as their elbows rest on the countertop. Smiles cover both their faces and I can't help but feel a bit creeped out. 

"Sooooo, sounds like you have a date tomorrow," Sadie's voice is high pitched, making my eye twitch. I roll my eyes and headed for the staircase. 

"Maybe I do," I yell out to both girls. "And try not to put any watermelons in vinegar tomorrow, okay?"


i have no clue how i want this book to end

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